I am a 29yr old male. Just over a year ago I was involved in a car accident on my leaving do from work. Unfortunately, the car accident left me in a coma for 5 days and pta for 3 weeks.

I have made progress over this year, and I know I have already reached a stage where some people may never get to, but it's just not enough for me. I was due to be starting a new and exciting job and looking to buy my first property. Now I can't work and I'm living with my parents. It sucks so much. Ending it seems like it would be so harsh on my family and I couldn't do that to them, but having it as an option is comforting. I can't see anyone ever wanting to be with me if I can't get my life on track. I feel like I'm staring down the barrel of becoming a deadbeat old man with no accomplishments, no love, and no career.

People seem to keep telling me I'm in the early stages of recovery and I will improve, but how much improvement can you really make when it's already been a year?

Sorry for a long message, and don't feel you have to respond.