Gotcha, pricing varies wildly depending on area. Get a few quotes and you'll have a good idea of what the cost will be.

Good luck!

Sorry I got confused, are you planning on doing a complete new shower? Or just the areas needed for plumbing?

Like others have said if you're already planning on remodeling the whole shower then the cost is negligible, I probably wouldn't even charge to do it.

If you're not then it's going to be pricey. You'll have to remove tiles, backer etc to the studs run the pipe through, and then patch everything back up and that's hoping you can find tile that matches what you tore out. If it's drywall and not tile it's much easier.

I disagree, and I'm not saying it's the best one by any means. But it definitely is good for self defense. Also every gym I've trained at have taught take downs. And alot of gyms that do jiu jitsu now also do some kind of striking so it wouldn't be hard to do both.

I'd recommend jiu jitsu, it's a great workout, can be used real world and in my experience the culture around it has always been welcoming.

Thank you! I used pla for the grey and petg for the black, no particular reasons, that's just what was loaded into my printers at the time. I may try some in TPU to see if I can have it peel off after it's used. I just used Fusion 360 made my rectangle and then added my teeth and use the pattern to decide how many in the spacing

That's what I've been working with too, I'm starting to get the hang of it better for simple single part stuff, when you get some more complex and multi-part, it makes my brain hurt

Yeah it's a blast. What software do you use?

Those are both great ideas! I'm pretty new to designing so I'll see what I can do for something like that!

Sorry to hear that. It's crazy how such a small spider can make that big of an impact .

Yeah I was pretty bummed out, it was just last week. So I'll probably let the dust settle for a bit and then try again in a little while

$90 for birupes simoroxigorum, sadly passed away. Not sure why but it just never ate and withered away.

Is silicone better? Yes. Is the sanded caulk an issue? No.

Waterproofing Is done below this, silicone is just more flexible.

Also alot of the grout stains I've seen are also grout sealers so you won't need to worry about sealing the grout afterwards.

They do make grout stain, it usually works pretty good for us. I'd recommend getting it from a local tile store if possible vs a big box store. I've used it in showers before with no issues, I've also had it wash away right away so your mileage may vary. For best results you want to make sure your existing grout is completely clean. Like steam cleaned clean. Then let it dry thoroughly. Good luck!

You can try, ymmv but I've generally had good luck. Get some grout colorant/stain, if you can find some from a local tile store even better. Just follow the instructions on the bottle and you're good to go.

Absolutely. I've had clients that had brand spanking new appliances that they didn't like or didn't fit with their designs so had me get rid of it. I'm talking still has the packing tape kind of new.

Nqa tarantula cribs have soom nice enclosures

I also just ordered the hexagon ones from primal fear and they seem to have plenty of cross ventilation

You mean things are not supposed to? Or Appliances in general? If something is in good condition and works I have no problem having my guys try to sell it so they make some extra money on the side. I haven't had to deal with my guys selling things that they aren't supposed to sell but I suppose if it were to happen then the money they get from selling it would go towards the cost of purchasing a new one.

You're the exact demographic I work for, we aren't the cheapest, but my price is my price and unless something major comes along it doesn't change. I know what things cost and I've done enough remodels to know what to expect.

Contractor here, mistakes happen. I've tossed things that are supposed to be saved even after having it written down. We always replace with same as or better, if it was my place I wouldn't want anything less so that's what I pass on to my customers.

Nqa Yeah you're fine. Just don't touch them for that half day. Even if it was a few days you'd be fine, just make sure their water is full before and when you're done with your medicine wash up really well.