Most expensive overall? female? male? Size?

My most expensive so far was an unsexed $250 - 3.5” Xenesthis intermedia - the shop let me try checking the vent to sex the T myself.. I guessed that it was female, and she moulted a few months later and it was confirmed! I lucked out as these are usually $450+ for sexed F. Super worth it.

My most expensive male was $175 - 2.5” Euathlus truculentus. The dealer wouldn’t let me check the vent of the slings, which is kinda sus and makes me think he knows the sex and is hocking his males as “unsexed”… the T is still a sweet and charming little guy and I’m looking forward to seeing his big boy colors as he matures either way. I’m a sucker for the Euathlus genus haha