You're pathetic. Condescending and putting words in people's mouths then act like they're the fool. Let's keep going. You can do better

I could notice it because I knew, most people didn't notice.

I made up a version of the song the sirens sing to rock my kids to bed when they were younger. They still ask me to sing it and haven't figured it out yet

The band ISIS was my gateway band. I started listing to them when Celestial came out.

I'm American and I take a shower when I wake up, it helps me wake up. I have a very physical job, in the construction industry and get dirty at work so I also shower when I get home from work. So I take two showers a day. I also own a bidet.

No it was a thread about telling people in the sub to report content that doesn't contribute to the sub. I thought it was funny so I replied to it with that link. And they got sensitive and banned me.

I was friends with a one legged stripper when I was younger. She wore thigh high boats to hide it. One time she gave me a lap dance at her house and the prosthetic got stuck in the couch.

That same voice is in cyberpunk. The character is a sentient cab.

Never ending food is worth more than 100k and you get to end world hunger

They already cast Abby, you should look it up. I'd say it stays pretty close to the source material as far as dialog, you may want to skip the show and stick to the game.


Trust me, I tried I spent years watching and trying to convince people they were wasting they're time. You can't imagine the victory lap when the main character flee away in a helicopter.

If you tuck your shirt and don't wear a belt, I assume you didn't have a father.

Because this is what all my drawings looked like in 8th grade I give it 11 out of 10.

That's the face I make when I'm talking to someone that I really don't want to talk to but have to

Yeah just come on guys, everyone needs to have the same opinion because I'm tired of hearing about it...