You say this but I have unironically messed around with Runaan's on him before his w became permanent and it isn't as unplayable as you imagine.

Lyca has been absolutely shit, their plan renewal shit the bed as well so my plan didn't get renewed even after I contacted and called with support earlier that day. But they were more than happy to drain my entire sim of money because my data stayed active. Day after I got a text saying they couldn't renew my plan because there was no money on it after they drained it all.

I bought a quick 5Gb plan as I have no access to wifi where I live but it was a waste of time and have barely been able to use any form of data since yesterday. On top of already struggling with having any type of stable connection for a month because the APN constantly switches away from Lyca because it is such a bad network I really just cannot recommend using Lyca anymore for people living here full time.

Just spend the extra cash to get a proper provider if you rely a lot on data.

How about implementing a basic potion storage into the bank system but allowing this to be expanded by using your PoH for more potions. That way it doesn't force players into having to grind construction for this QoL however it still rewards the extra effort. Also a potion room would look absolutely sick in a PoH.

I put on the most random gear whenever I am doing activities that don't require too much running like mining, woodcutting or farming contracts (even though I have some of the bonus xp gear). Most people tend to ignore it but when you see a headless tench wielding lederhosen rocking mole yeezy wearing cabbage cape king next to you I like to imagine I caused someone to chuckle a bit

Anyone else had Data/Network Issues on Moto E13?

Hi everyone I have recently purchased a Moto E13 as I was on a budget at the time, since then I bought a sim from a cheap provider (Lycamobile DK) together with a data subscription. While for the first few weeks I had almost no issues, I soon started to get a lot of random disconnects.

My phone would say connected and show a 4g connection but having no internet at all for a solid minute. It keeps showing there is still a network connection on my phone however I have sometimes also seen that this can disappear and even disconnect phone calls. I've tried to contact Lyca but they cannot pinpoint any issues on their end that may cause these issues so I was worried it may be my phone causing these issues.

This disconnecting happens randomly but has gotten to the point it happens about 3 to 4 times an hour and since I have no wifi available at my home it becomes very frustrating to do any work.

I was curious to know if anyone else has had a similar issue so I can distinguish if it may be my phone causing this bad internet connection or the provider.

Soms wel ja, maar toen ik een jaar terug keek voor traject vrij kwam de prijs zo goed als op hetzelfde uit als altijd vrij. (Eindhoven-Leiden)

Heb nog eens gecontroleerd en blijkt nu dat het zelfs gewoon dezelfde prijs is als altijd vrij en 350 per maand hakt er toch behoorlijk in.

Goredrinker + runaan's urgot is an absolute menace into a full melee team, just get plenty of tank items and spirit visage and get lv 13 asap for reduced shotgun knee cooldown.

Yeah apologies, I bastardised English there since I assumed kudo was the singular and it is normal to use 's for plural in Dutch when a word ends on a vowel. I'll remember to treat my kudos as seafood.

No the barronite mace parts (which is actually useful f2p content) alch for 5k each, I am talking about the relics you can get for 1/350 out of the barronite deposits. They alch for a whopping 0 gp.

Ancient relics from the barronite mines can be handed in multiple times, first time you will receive 200 coins and 1 kudo, after that only 100 coins. Making this probably one of the most useless f2p content since they have no use for kudo's anyways.

Yeah I for sure feel that some gear progression can already feel very bloated and too quick to lose its charm. Simple quick and easy to obtain rewards at earlier levels can be combined with imbues that could be carried over to other gears. I am not saying a full revamp of the balancing of all weapons, however giving alternative pathways.

The reason why I am aiming towards simple things like rune imbues is more as a stepping stone to introduce these new players. Because the gear progression can become very confusing.

I am a big fan of allowing for T55, T65, T75 rewards I think that is good, I just figured some extra rewards may be interesting since new players don't always stick around for the grind all the way to these (for them) higher levels. Simple imbue rewards which may not be the best stat wise but can look really cool such as a double arrow shot or some shield bash effect can make the player feel more engaged.

Of course in the end I am just spitballing here about potential rewards, I don't see too much issue with allowing imbues that can make rune gear come closer to dragon. Making it closer in between but then the community should decide if these imbues should be able to match or go beyond dragon.

Also now that we are talking about it, please for the love of god can we get some magic gear for f2p, it's almost sad to see the BiS f2p mage setup on the wiki.

Dungeoneering was my OG favorite past time. So many different skills to do at the same time, never caring about the efficiency of it, just having random dungeons to go through with other f2p randoms. I remember back in the day not having a chat function but the auto message and the other players never understanding to block the gluttonous behemoth from eating.

Anyways I love group content and I honestly feel there is nothing to do in this game with my friends until late game where we won't be for another 10 years.

I honestly don't even care too much for the rewards, one option you could have is reward "enchants" to improve gear stats but keep it only to specific lower tier gear.

Ex: Giving extra strength to some rune weapons, improving defence of some armour, gaining an option to shoot double for some bows/crossbows, allowing staffs to not consume runes as much. Smaller rewards that won't shake up the entire meta but are a very nice and welcome bonus for low to mid level accounts.

I still cry every time I replay that ending. I was going through a pretty depressive time already and BL2 was one of the few things that I could play that sometimes got a slight smile out of me to feel less dead inside. The constant mentions of Roland did feel like a gut punch any time it was mentioned and almost made me quit the DLC if it wouldn't have been so good.

The ending where made me somehow relate to the hopelessness that I was feeling myself and that there is a way out. I think this marked the first step to me getting out of my depression and any time I replay it I think back about what I went through back then.

The real meta is don't rush and have fun. Getting too absorbed in guides and optimal ways to play kills any joy. Just go on a stroll, find something you want to do and make your own short/long term goals. I would highly recommend playing an ironman or if you prefer to still use the GE to not focus too much on how profitable it is what you are doing.

Basically make your own adventure, get some good teleports like fairy rings/spirit trees/jewellery, remember that there are a lot of free minigame teleports all over the world (although the tab can be a bit hard to find). If you ever feel lost don't feel afraid to look at a guide to see what goals other people have set, just make sure you don't feel that there is only a single path of progression.

Sadly even facts we are confident in can be wrong. Since yes Carbon is element 6 and has 6 protons and in a regular state 6 electrons. However this doesn't automatically give it 6 neutrons. That is the regular, abundant C12 you describe, meanwhile C13 another stable isotope has 7 neutrons and C14 which is used for carbon dating has 8.

So yes while most of the lighter elements have a same amount of neutrons as protons, they still have isotopes with different neutron amounts and as you get to heavier nuclei you tend to need more neutrons to keep the protons together.


Nope, my clan was split 50/50 on it as well and I got gloves again. So I only received the single magic seed drop instead of the 1-3 on the wiki.

Biometrics appointment tomorrow but no appointment confirmation.

So my friend has an appointment tomorrow and when preparing all her documents she realised she never received any confirmation mail for her appointment. It's through TLS for the embassy in Geneva, she is quite worried she may not be able to go to the appointment. She does have a payment confirmation of the appointment though.

Would she still be able to go to the appointment even without receiving this confirmation/QR code?


Hunter feels like a gathering skill without a crafting skill attached to it. Shamanism seemed like a good item sink to make the content relevant just like summoning did back in the day. Still excited to see sailing but I just hope it won't be a dead skill with 1 or 2 meaningful pieces of content.


Yeah I'm around 77 myself, I was considering to test it but at a potential 0.5% it could easily take 100 crates and RNG could still mess up my chances to check

Do Wintertodt supply crates actually drop magic seeds without gloves?Question

The magic seed wiki page shows that you can get a drop of 1-3 seeds from a crate (varying on farming level) and the same for the supply crate wiki page. However when I try to use the calculator to find a good level to train to it doesn't show up. So I'm kinda confused on what to believe, I found an old 2016 video showing someone getting the magic seeds from regular rolls but this may have already been changed by now.

Honestly I was in the same boat, recently first time I took a bus in Copenhagen. Assumed like every other country I could just pay by card but it was cash or the app. Bus driver told me to not worry, just download the app and pay and since I had 3 big bags with me I decided to sit down and install the app to pay. 3 stops later while going through the app a ticket checker came in, told my story but didn't want to listen while the bus driver just ignored it.

Still don't understand how busses here accept coin but not card.

So I actually did a lot of Camdozaal on my ironman because I like to stay in f2p for a while. The only reason to be there is for the mace drop and maybe the golem cores (note only the chaos one is kinda useful which is p2p). The rare relics which are 1/350 from deposits only give like 200 gold so it's just collection log junk, the prayer xp for the fish is kinda nice for f2p if you want to be really lazy but it's minimal at best. I worked my way to the vault reward to check it out and it's just not worth it, you would earn more money walking from the lumbridge mine to falador to bank copper rather than trying to use that vault.

Making Camdozaal fun really shouldn't be that hard, make the mining xp a bit better, maybe add some fun extra smithing activity, you could give access to the chaos golems for f2p as an alternative to obtain chaos runes (no cores because we can't runecraft it), turn one of the golems into a f2p boss and for god sake add some mage gear rewards from that place. Even if it's just splitbark or something like that.

This place looks so cool and it has so much potential, it's just except for the mace there is 0 reason to stay there.

Being with my girlfriend broke me and I am too weak to even change.nsfw

Trigger warning: Mentions of suicide and abuse


So me (M23) started "dating" my girlfriend (F25) back in september 2021. I met her in september 2020 at the start of our master, we worked together on some projects, it turned out her dorm was just a few minutes from mine and we became friends. Then I learned I was her only friend, everyone before left her and didn't want to talk with her anymore for some reason that she doesn't understand.

Being an empathic guy I felt really bad for her, especially since in the past I did not have many friends either. I spent a lot of time with her, was there to chat on discord and went groceries with her to make her more comfortable living outside of her home country. We became close friends and we spent a lot of time together up to the point I started to like her, these feelings were there for a few months and eventually I confessed to her in 2021. She didn't want to start a relationship, I respected that and stayed the same, being there to support and talk with her and even had a discussion when she told me about her past family trauma.

Later the relationship still started because she wanted to have a try since she never had anyone before. I did my best since it was my first relationship as well, I made sure to make time for her, do things with her and basically love her. This culminated into our first of many many fights. She became mad that I didn't seem to prove enough that I loved her, which culminated in her breaking up and going no contact with me for a week (oh boy how I miss those times) only to contact me on day 3 again forcing me to apologise and change. I admitted I needed to be a better boyfriend and thus decided to dedicate more time for her.

Since February 14 2022 (yes, that day) there has not been a week where she didn't yell or complain about me doing something wrong, this includes when we were on vacation, when she was sick with covid for a week and me dedicating all my time during the day taking care of her (even though my thesis was due end of that week and I basically worked 01:00-05:00 at night). Nothing I did was ever good enough. It got to the point where I had to say a week in advance if I wanted to play a game with a friend and then it was still a 50/50 if she wasn't just mad and NEEDED to talk no matter what so I can't do that. I ended up playing about 5 hours of game in an entire month. 4 of these being sneakily after she went to sleep because I promised my friend I would at least talk a bit and play.

Of course there is more to life than playing games, however she started to isolate me in any way. I used to go back home some weekends to visit my family. This was no longer allowed, I spent my entire summer with her and then got yelled at because I just wanted to see my family a little bit. I asked if I can at least visit my grandpa for his birthday, she said yes, she freaked out that day because she lost a hat in a different city and wanted me to come with her to search for it. I did just that and we got lucky that we recovered the hat, this made it so I ended up spending 1,5 hour at my grandpa (while being on the train for 5 hours that day because she wanted me to come back on the same day). While I don't mind doing these things sometimes since she is a special person in my life, so are my family and my friends. It got to the point where she would have 95% of my time and would get upset about that other 5%.

She would not stop talking pretty much all day, she is constantly sending on discord to the point I could barely do any work, can't play games since if I don't reply within a minute she gets upset and does not take any criticism or opinions from me. Everything has to be exactly the way she wants it to be and I need to always change and improve. I don't mind improving but please let me have a life too. I worked on my thesis for 1 day per week (80% of the work in my final year) and it's a miracle I could even graduate.

Throughout the summer things took a turn for the worse, I wanted to breakup I started to become very emotional (before I was quite stoïc and while I did show plenty of happiness and love, I rarely showed sadness and never any anger). I felt I was being surpressed and had no freedom, she decided every vacation we had to go on and I couldn't say that I was running out of money to even afford the train or hotel tickets. This culminated in many many fights and her even physically abusing me one of the nights (2 days before my graduation as well). I got to the point I didn't want to graduate and almost cancelled all the plans with my family. Now of course that is not the bad part about the vacation she remembers, it's me saying I want to leave her when we arrived back safely because I feel she crossed the line. She ended up guilt tripping me and now uses me wanting to leave back then as fuel for when she has a fight with me.

I did not get a PhD position that year, refused 2 offers because one did not interest me enough, the other was okay but she yelled and was mad at me through discord for the entire 8 hour train ride back home and I no longer felt I even wanted to go there. She only got one offer and after weeks of discussing and being mad at me for not having a clear answer what she should do she accepted it (only to spend weeks being mad that I made her accept it). I did have a second paid master lined up which I quit only 1 week in because of constant fights, making me feel depressed and not wanting to be there anymore.

I worked as a tutor for 6 months, flexible hours and work from home because she always wanted me to be there with her. This was a fucking mistake. While she was still in our study town, I had to go back and forth on weekends from my home town (5 hours per day) because I wasn't allowed to stay with her, however I always needed to be there. So I would leave at 8 in the morning only to take the latest train possible back only to hear she still gets upset that I "don't just rent a room again" in a town with a housing shortage. At first she respected my working hours too and that I couldn't respond, this lasted about 2 weeks and then I had to send sometimes during my work (1 or 2 messages) only to become having full conversations on my second screen while tutoring. Miraculously I did not get fired because I am a really good mathematician/physicist and understood really well how to teach the difficult topics that there was a shortage of tutors for.

I helped her move to Switzerland for her PhD, her still complaining everything was horrible and that she didn't want to do her PhD. Eventually she settled and I went back home after I spent 10 days with her making sure she got settled. It did not take long or she already wanted me to come back to Switzerland. Late december she came back, finished packing her last stuff and cleaned her room in our old town. She expected me to come with her, however I did not feel I had the heart to come anymore. I should have said I wasn't coming anymore but I understood she would just yell and ruin our days together if I said that.

She left to Switzerland on the train, I cried to see her go and prepared myself for a lot of yelling and anger. I could not take it and asked my friend to help send her some messages because I told her my feelings and blocked her. My friend worked as an intermediate because I still had some stuff of her which she needed to get back. The no contact became more of a way for me to calm down and improve myself, try to understand what causes all of these fights and what we could do to change, I also went to therapy (which ended up being totally worthless). About 1 week in, she found a discord group where I could see she kept sending messages, I made the fatal mistake of unhiding these messages, we started talking again and it leaded to her guilt shaming me into unblocking her.

She plays victim quite often, about how life makes her so miserable and the whole world is so unfair. Everyone is an asshole and only me (sometimes lol) is kind and supportive to her. Around May 2022, when we been fighting for a few months I started to notice that she shows a lot of BPD symptoms just like my mom and stepmom. Of course I did not diagnose this, I discussed this with my friend studying psychology, he showed me instruction videos on recognizing it and I pretty much got a one to one resemblance of the symptoms. This playing victim, yelling at me, then to get upset that I start to have emotions and feel bad about her blaming every horrible thing in her life on me got to the point where it broke me.

I wanted to commit suicide multiple times starting from July 2022, I struggled a lot with these feelings and managed to control it for a while. After unblocking her the yelling and terrible feelings just continued and became so much worse than what I was used to. She kept pushing me to come to her in Switzerland, I kept saying no I can't I feel like shit I want to work on my emotions and mental well being only to be yelled at even more. All of this while I still had to tutor to earn money because I was pretty much bankrupt and while I was trying to do PhD applications. Eventually end of February I caved and came to her, I lived with her and only went back about a week ago to prepare for the PhD I got. While there I had to tutor and initially I had a few tutors at night, she got really annoyed having to here me work while she was in the shared dorm we had. I moved some of them, however there were a few I could not move. Eventually I did manage to get rid of all the night tutors and moved them all during her working hours (spoilers, she still got mad about that). She kept talking all the time, even when she would go to work, told me I had to clean and vaccuum every day and I made sure her life was comfortable any time we were there at the same time. Of course this worked for a little bit only to become the norm and then she started saying everything I did was shit and useless anyways.

She applied to a different PhD and wanted to leave her current position, she got an offer only to then not know if she wants to go anymore. This resulted in weeks of constant talking and discussing only for her to always flip-flop on what she wants, me following the new thing she wants to do and support it and her being mad that I don't hold a stance. Both the positions were great, there is no clear better position, I gave my insights and all for nothing because we ended up accepting it only to just continue discussing and sending another mail that we revoke the acceptance or not. This acceptance was 3,5 weeks ago, we are still talking about it and she will get mad at me that we are wasting our time. I don't want to talk about this, I told her we need to decide and stick to a decision.

She abused me a few more times while we were trying to figure out the decision, honestly the physical pain wasn't as bad as the first time and I just felt so emotional broken that physical pain felt like a relief. I went back to my home around the 20th, that day I was going to do something with friends, ended up not doing too much because she was feeling bad again, mostly talking and having to make sure I was back home on time. I feel completely stressed out, I visited my family only to have constantly send messages to her anyways. I don't want to work or do anything anymore, I just want to rest. I want to be able to put my phone away for longer than a minute and not have to worry that I just got 10 messages saying how horrible I am because I went to the toilet without saying it.

I am drained, I need to pack my bag for my PhD because I am leaving tomorrow night. I don't want to pack it, I'm sure there are just going to be even more fights. I don't feel excited or happy about my PhD and I didn't even start yet. All because there was this girl that I loved and wanted to make happy. It was never enough and I broke myself trying to achieve perfection. My friends and family keep telling me it is better to leave her, I tried multiple times but I just don't have the strength to do it.

I've wanted to post here for almost a year now, finally telling my story. I am sure the comments are going to be telling the same that I keep seeing on similar posts and things my friends said and as much as I would like to think it will help, I know it won't I'm sorry. I truely just wanted to let this story of my chest and thank you to anyone who even wanted to read this.


I still don't understand how it can be this hard to implement a non-abusable duo slayer system.

Just have player A and player B roll a slayer task at the same time.

If they both roll a slayer task the other person has available they will be put on the same task. If even one of them doesn't, just let them do their separate tasks so people can't abuse other accounts to get specific high xp tasks.

Am I just missing something that makes co-op slayer so impossible to implement?