Dont date = no rejection 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

I hate his god damn songs with a burning passion, idk anything about him as a person so i dont really hate or like HIM as a person

Anything from Reinier Zonneveld. About a year ago i kinda discovered techno because it turns out one of my highly liked artists has a techno alias (HI LO) and through him i found out about Reinier and now i just can't stop listening to him. If i had to be specific i guess the song would be Heaven Is Mad but honestly it's like splitting hairs between many of his songs, i pretty much listen only to him right now

But then you remember that you have nothing to offer her in any way so you don't even think for a milisecond about trying something with her

Honestly not THAT bad because i dont like hanging out with people anyway. The concept is sad but not the worst thing overall

I find that without Ambient or ANC they lose quite a biy of bass somehow

Straight up jorkin it

Videogame ahh city

I am not an expert in light and just physics but i think the shadows on the large object should be darker, some maybe even close to completely dark

No i barely passed 12th grade with a 4/10, fucking hate this subject with a passion, also doesnt help that for the last year of school we had a literal female Hitler for a teacher, glad she got laid off later, no more nightmares for other kids

I just cant stand long awkward silences when many people are around so i dont exactly become the embodyment of extraversion but i at least say something or do something else to break that up, espeecially when its like 3 people

All of these comments just make me realize more and more that i will all but guarranteed be single till the end of times lmao

I see buddy's been ignoring the pill box

Is there actually a Dota+ lmao??? Or is it just a battlepass just like in every game

Pirms Starlinka man bija 2MB/s un tas ir nakts pašā vidū, kad neviens miljons kilometru radiusā neizmanto internetu

Not having rubber tips on earbuds shouldn't even be an allowed thing

I am sorry for using such words but what the fucking shit, this looks too good to be real

Family yeah, fuck all do i know about money lol, id lose it in the first week or something without them

Why do so many girls feel the need for all that plastic in their face... not even gonna mention the makeup layer that reaches into the low Earth orbit