Idaho potato farmer 🥔 :id-flag: 🧑‍🌾

And how is that a bad thing ?

Republican senators keep saying that we are a republic not a democracy.

Lyndon Baines Johnson :L_Johnson:

Where is my Jumbo ?

“Ann Coutler haven’t been this happy since Trevor Martin was shot” 🥶🥶

I’m taking screenshots of all these good stuffs. They will be useful soon

I thought Kansas and Nebraska became state at the same time during the administration of Franklin Pierce which is before the civil war.

Idaho potato farmer 🥔 :id-flag: 🧑‍🌾

October 1

I have only lived in 5 states in this country. Out of all the 5 states, Minnesota is the best run state out of all. As someone said earlier, cost of living to income is very good compared to most states in this country.

I watched the documentary on Netflix, it’s so good.

Lyndon Baines Johnson :L_Johnson:

I just learned about this yesterday from a trivia. r/president didn’t prepare me for that.

Thank you for this. I also have a car loan that have been charged off since May 2018. How is this going to have effect on mortgage. I didn’t try to pay this because auto keep adding charges to my balance even tho it’s been charged off over 6years.

Back in 2014 or so, I read that Microsoft have the most millionaires employee in America. Now I know why

I don’t work in chip factory, I work for a construction company that is currently building a bigger semi conductor FAB building for Micron in Idaho.

I am not going to argue with you anymore. You are not arguing in good faith. I was only engaging you because I thought you are independent. For every fact I give to you, you just look for a convenient excuse.

I got here November 20, 2023, and we have put in over 2 million man hour since then. It’s micron facility in Boise Idaho.

There are a lot of higher income earners in the rural area that feeds us every day, and they get a lot of subsidies.

As the semi conductor chip, I am working at one right now. I can send you pictures of non sensitive materials. At the gate there is sign that read “This project is made possible by the Science and Chips act” The Medicaid being trade off as higher taxes, it’s higher taxes for higher income earners. I don’t believe rural people are high income earners.

About Canada that offer to kill you before helping you is total bullshit. Let’s talk about how affordable care act that gave millions of uninsured Americans health insurance. I live in Idaho right now because we are building Semiconductor FAB building here, which will provide thousands of jobs to Idahoans. I work for a general contractor, and we have to sub a lot Idaho owns subcontractors.


What about universal health or Medicaid, The infrastructure bill, Bringing job back to America (Billion dollar semi conductor manufacturing job going on in Idaho and Micron sponsoring chips manufacturing tech in community colleges), Child tax credit, and more. Democrats don’t only care about racism, gay and abortion. That’s a very lazy argument.

Frank Lampard

I left soccer circle Jack after World Cup 2022. It’s been nothing but disgrace since. Ronaldo only mistake is going back to Man united when he did.

Frank Lampard

I saw on ESPN that Chelsea are considering adding to isak deal. That would be madness. I’m assuming ESPN is being useless as usual