The horse has the seniority in this relationship. Has your boyfriend ever heard of saving money to buy the things he needs? Did you enter the relationship to "support" him? He is asking you to do that because he has burned all his bridges to anyone else who might have helped him. NTAH, find a better boyfriend.

Please dump this guy, change your locks, block him on everything, get a restraining order, and go the other way if he shows up in front of you. He is way too old to be acting like that, and he is not going to change. He will only get worse.

This guy is, what we call, "stringing" you along. He doesn't want to make a commitment, and is playing the long game of hoping you will give in to him eventually without marrying you. Dump him, and do not change yourself for anyone, unless You want to change. You are worthy of love without having to change.

But he's married, so his wife has already bought all the pillows he will ever need.

Making me run back and forth between them to talk for them, since they weren't talking to each other.

Okay, well...sometimes we think we know what people are going to do, then they don't do it. Next time, wait for what they do, not what they should do.

The accident is over, so no amount of anxiety is going to change it now. Pull yourself up, take a deep breath and deal with it. Unfortunately, that is all you can do.

Up until about 4 years ago, I was one of the lucky ones who didn't feel constant pain. Now, everything hurts, all the time.

It's fine to call to let them know you're really interested in case they haven't made their decision. I've done it 2 or 3 times over the years and ended up getting the jobs.

I do the same, and also the counters and stove top. Even if the dishes are done, the kitchen will still look dirty if the sink, counters and appliances aren't clean.

Unfortunate. That was straight up malicious.

Can people who do things like that be sued for defamation?

Walking around nekkid whenever I want. Eating directly out of the pickle jar and ice cream container. "Lol, I'm not pregnant and I don't eat them at the same time." Singing stupid, made-up songs to my dog. She's a great listener.

Trees. When I bought my house, it had 5, cute, little trees in the yard. Oh, how nice! They'll be great shade trees! And, 25 years later, they are, but I spend hundreds on leaf removal every few months because those m-effers drop a lot of leaves.

Basically, you do exactly what you did. If you don't want to do something, give something, lend something then just say no. No explanation needed. No is a complete answer and you don't owe anything more. The users will get mad and try to make you feel like an awful person. That's what users do. Don't fall for it, just wave them away. After a while they'll go away because they will realize you're done.

Thanks hooligan415. I walked out of work with a little more confidence today.

Oh wow. I almost cried when I read this. Two c-sections, partial mastectomy, mediport scar that looks like a stab wound, plus a few others here and there. It all makes me feel like Ms. Frankenstein.