Because it's not about the properties being criticized, it's about their scope reach and popularity. If any of these people ever made good faith arguments they stopped doing that a long time ago for the cash in. It's all about tilting at windmills and the biggest windmills you can find will be the most lucrative.

You know honestly if I can control the weather I'm on his side

And weirdly it's almost an alliance of casuals who treat Caitlin Clark as a pop star ( I love CC this isn't hate at her) and just straight up trolls who don't even like women's sports who make up the bulk of this nonsense surrounding Angel Reese.

It's the disingenuous framing of an offensive rebound ever being a bad thing that gets me most about all this. If you want to talk about her field goal percentage talk about it.

I think he went with cities visited. And disregarded the travel.

They really didn't want you to be emotionally invested in any relationships outside of the primary two.

So it turns out that specific gun thing might not have been as accurate as it was portrayed back then...

Oh look a post purporting to be from a woman clearly designed to target young men with low self-esteem. It's weird though how they use the same thinking and verbiage as a male incel would. Anyone else familiar with the concept of an agent provocateur?

Because the entire purpose of the show was to undercut the mafia stuff with the everyday family stuff.

Nearly every King protagonist tbh. And with the King-Hill crossover mention (Doctor Sleep) Vic McQueen too.

It's time to amend the Constitution and fix this shit. Start with fixing campaign finance and then just keep going.

I still hear trap used a lot. I think calling it a blitz just indicates that it's especially aggressive.

If you like Wizard and the Glass that much. Maybe Wind Through the Keyhole. Also that's the highest I've ever seen someone have Dreamcatcher.

Did Hank get better? Or did you just realize he was the good guy, despite his personality? I think he's the way he is to be show the audience that the "good guy" doesn't have to be perfect without going off in the anti-hero direction. She's simply an unlikeable hero. He's crude, abrasive, racist, misogynistic, etc, but he's still a more moral person that Walt.

The Fed Govt has backed up truckloads of money to the state to get this done, and it disappears every time with little to no improvement. I really don't think the fed should give us anymore, corruption is terrible here, and nothing gets done until someone related to or in business with a legislator gets their pockets lined.

This country has a cartel problem and I don't mean that in regard to drugs. I'm talking about "an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition.". Medical Cartels, broadband cartels, oil cartels (aren't just OPEC), hell even the two party system. This country has 32 flavors of ice cream to choose from but all meaningful consumer choices see us limited to two to three options that are, in large part, totally the same.

The way he acts with money is a petty act of defiance against his parents. He's old money, he's been trained from birth to be old money. So when he finally gets access to his money and realizes it finally makes him "one of them" he reacts in the way that Strobe and Francine would find most detestable. It's the same immature stuff Lorelai is constantly doing to her parents (except when she needs access to that wealth to better hers or her daughter's lives)