Bad m.2? Or just unlucky nightTech Support

All night I've been fiddling with my laptop currently away from home and it just shut off on me had no idea what was going on and thought the windows installation partition was just corrupted, oh boi...

Proceed to try everything to fix it until I decide I'm just gonna have to reinstall windows, so with my 2tb had game storage in hand and my steam deck, I jumped the gun and learned how to use ventoy formated my entire harddrive and after finally figuring out I had to disable secure boot on the laptop before ventoy would boot I finally got to the windows installation screen, getting ready to format the drives I notice the internal m.2 isn't showing, huh? That when I realized my m.2 must be going out so I opened the laptop up pulled it out to look, didn't see anything and just took note of the size and popped it back in screwing it down and closing everything up, to my amazement my laptop turned back on and booted into windows, alas all my games are now gone, and I'm realizing I should just reinstall windows for a clean slate but I'm not sure yet...

TL:DR, is my laptops m.2 going bad? Or was this just some random fluke that happened today? Should I get another one ordered or should I be fine?

Edit: crystaldiskinfo says the health is 100% and it's about a 5 or 6 year old laptop if that's any extra information

Also Nerfing the boss cars is so stupid, why go through all the trouble of killing the boss, frantically collecting the token and rushing to get the car when they don't even repair themselves anymore, they are actually worse now than any other car in the sense that you can't change the upgrades on them

Thank God you explained it's a disorder, I'm thinking to myself how much it would hurt to do that, but saving it is still out of the question 🤮🤢🤮

Only freightliner gotta love that feature for some reason

You should get a hanger, at this rate they will still be green, however the spot they are laying on(where gravity puts all the weight) will end up black

I feel like your my BFF I see you on every post lol

It's pc specific, and involves the easiest way to do so but is in fact against TOS so I don't want to share it, if you know you know

Does lego share xp with creative?Question

So I successfully managed to afk for 3.5 hours on lego starting at around 8:20 pm I just went back to check my pc at midnight to discover I had only gone from lvl 78 to 79, however I have been playing bot lobbies like crazy today and in-between those, creative games when bored, should I have gotten more levels? Does creative share the xp cap with lego? What's going on here?

It's the 07-13 generation, absolute fucking dogwater trucks these fucking Silverados were some of the worst year Silverados made, they had so many issues like the abs, stabilitrack, traction control, glass cannon 4l60 trans that was tuned so that 70mph was either right over the power band of 3rd, or under the powerband of 4th, oil pressure sensor replacements every 3 months, electrical gremlins that even buick laughs at, the factory standard clog in the fuel filler neck, and every other ecm related feature routed through the stereo head unit, list goes on

Source: own a 2013 and even tho it's still kicking and reliable for the most part id enjoy a nicer truck

I would make the analogy it's more like suspending someone from chewing... they still have to fuckin eat, it's either have someone else chew there food for them or try and get away with chewing without being caught lol

Check out mr.ballen on YouTube, you don't need to watch the screen and his story's are great I love the paranormal ones he also has a podcast with the same stuff, distractible podcasts have gotten quite a few good laughs from me(they even endorse not to listen while driving), and I've been known to throw on a few youtube videos of random game streamers, game grumps is a good example, or soup, again I don't really need to pay attention to the videos of them Playing the game more of just enjoying the commentary, jokes, and conversations between them.

P.S. I always feel guilty when someone drives by next to me and sees a video up on my dashboard, but I'm really not watching them, it's not like movies, or TV shows, occasionally I'll watch a how to video, maybe some bbq tips or lawncare videos, but I don't want to be seen as "that guy"

id enjoy the dm as well, hopefully no macros as my wife doesnt really know how to do that stuff and has no macro buttons on keyboard

What's the strategy for afk main stage? The controller joystick trick?

+1 night driving rules because nobody's around, I like the 4am- 2pm shift personally

That's not the point I was trying to make at all, if I were to go to, Japan, I would still want to see the exit signs, street signs, road names, etc etc in there native language, I feel I could still make sense of the lettering structure, your misunderstanding what I'm saying, his entire gps layout was strange I'm assuming it's because of the Asian language being very different than English.

katakana/Kanji etc alphabet is unlike any other alphabet in the world and one of the reasons translations always end up being butchered when translated into English it's only right to assume that English to asian translations have to be bizarre as well

Take your z rod off, put it on a flat surface and roll it, check for flatness this way, as for your bowden take off the little blue locker tab thingy push bowden tube all the way in and then put blue locking tab on

Some of them mechanics are questionable, we had a guy working for my old company for idk I think 4-6 months later, one day I see him out there really cranking on some landing gear, I'm watching him for like 3-5 minutes before I finally go over and I'm like,

"hey, is something wrong with low gear? Or is it stuck in high?"

Turns out this dude didn't know that trailers had 2 landing gear settings so for the last 4-6 months this guy was pulling the handle out of the holster, shoving it in, and working these trailers in high gear

Getting fuel one day the guy next to me left his door open, I caught a look inside and saw his gps, it was all in chinese/korean/wingdings and I thought to myself if you can't use a gps here, in America, IN ENGLISH, how tf are you even able to drive and navigate properly???

People say what they will about cura, the UI is what does it for me, yes it does occasionally mess up a file and I have to open orca/ss/ps, or whatever else I have and I dread it, none of my settings are saved, I don't know how to navigate it l, and now I'm looking up, "how to change flow rate in orca" etc annoying. I've got cura down to a science, albeit the occasional times it likes to delete stuff off my prints or try and print something in mid air with nothing supporting it

Whatever the distance is between your parking spot and the tire care

Red lights for the railroads? As in the flashing ones when the train is coming? If so that's pretty scary, also that company was terrible, it was dedicated local, I was in a sleeper truck because my daycab was getting working on all night, got very little sleep, they saw this truck had left our north fort worth yard around 3 am, and then parked about halfway to dierks Arkansas till 6/7 and called to question it, they wanted to complain but they knew I knew that once I said I was tired they couldn't do shit, I would've left then and there.

Driving on the 30 out of Dallas towards Arkansas at 3 am one day just started my shift, still super tired saw a red light intersection started majorly slamming on brakes and slowing down until I asked myself why the fuck is there an intersection on the interstate? Turns out there was a slight curve in the road and I mistook the frontage road red light as being on the interstate, I pulled over later took a 3 hour nap, company called me wondering why I wasn't at weyerhauser yet, I told them I was falling asleep, they shut up and left me alone.