
Tool had to deal with lawsuits, accidents and poor health in the same period that those albums came out. Also members of the band still put out other music just fine without waiting for Tool with Maynard releasing 5 albums and an EP during that period separate from Tool.

Of course it is possible Paul was slow to release music for other reasons but I'm not judging him for not releasing music. I'm just pointing out people are using him to criticize Tool because he has said "You don't need to spend 10 years to make an album, you know?" Which is a stupid statement when he is the one who has gone the longest without making an album and it is well known FI didn't actually take 10 years to write. Again, I don't care that it took him a long time, he should do what he wants, but Tool should do what they want too.


Yeah how many albums did he release from 1997 to 2011?

Zero. Keep in mind that in that time Tool produced 2 more studio albums than he did.

Honestly I have nothing against Paul I love his contribution to Tool but this weird thing of pointing to him to complain about Tool's writing process that some other people in the sub have been doing is weird. The guy gas barely put anything else out and none of it was anywhere near the level of Tool. And I say that as someone that likes a lot of his post Tool music.

It's because threat actors absolutely target organizations when they are going through tough times or major transitions this is nothing new in cybersecurity.

Link expired, any chance I could get it?

I mean this whole thread is talking about how it is a thing but yeah it's a thing. You don't find recordings because noone is sitting and recording the audio playing after a concert as everyone leaves.

This isn't relevant to this sub or really even capitalism. At best this is a critique of monarchy, religion, aristocracy, and military control which ironically most objectivists would agree with. The labeling of it as capitalism is what is stupid.

Mighty strong words from a guy who just never puts out follow up albums except with Tool and very recently Ministry.

I wanked while giving you a downvote per your request.

Fucking Mockingbeat it's the only one I always skip

They absolutely work for us

Are you high dude?

They absolutely fucking work for us

Again I ask you are you high? Working for someone means you do something for them. If you do something for them you do it based on their preferences and not your own.

You said it dude not me.

I would literally never listen to a band who took directions from people on reddit just like you. There's already enough garbage bands and other forms of "art" that are absolute trash because instead of having artistic integrity they make "art" just to sell to entitled dudes like yourself.

I will always listen to bands with actual artistic integrity and their own process and voice. But if you expect Tool to serve you you're listening to the wrong band.

While it isn't my favorite by them I disagree here I think it is still phenomenal

My budget is a bit tight this year so I sadly won't be able to go see it. It sounds like it is going to be amazing and I hope you really enjoy the show!!!

Someone literally just provided a link dude. Its amazing that it took literally 1 minute for your "Yeahh thought not 🤦‍♂️" to age poorly.

What makes this comment really stupid is it took exactly less than 30 seconds to google this shit:


I know this is unpopular but Three of a Perfect Pair is my favorite. But that might be because I was introduced to them through Tool.

And if fans want to buy more that is their business. There is nothing wrong with offering variations that some fans would like to buy. You can still listen to the music just the same.

We can agree that a large reason for this is likely for political theater, at least for a large number of politicians.

I don't use it too but I am concerned about the constitutional rights of other people being violated. I don't simply stop caring about the rights of other people because I am not affected. And to your point they are targeting TikTok largely for things that happen on most other social media platforms.


I didn't list them as sacred people. I listed them as examples of sources of news the government at the time considered to be seditious and misinformation. They are examples of the exact types of sources you suggested should be banned.

Using an algorithm is expression, just like publishing is. I already elaborated I am not going into it again just because you're conflating the argument.

I don't disagree at all with your negative opinions of the Chinese government. It would be hard to find someone who despises their oppression and the atrocities they have committed more. But I do not support the violation of a private companies and millions of American's speech by the government. Saying they would use this as a tool if things escalated is not justification for banning it now.

You don't combat misinformation by just banning it, you combat it by calling it out and putting out accurate information. Sure, if things truly escalated and we went to war with China then banning would be on the table. But we aren't and so it isn't.

This argument can be applied to literally every social media platform, news paper, magazine, television channel, and even public meeting places.

This is just a blatant anti-free speech sentiment and I'm not going to engage with someone who believes in suppressing such a fundamental right because speech "can cause unrest."

Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Roger Sherman, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams and more all wrote and spread writings that eventually caused unrest. Later when the first amendment was written, it was deliberately created to protect that speech.

Anti-slavery writings caused unrest, anti-war protests caused unrest, civil rights writings have caused unrest, all rightfully and importantly protected by the first amendment.

The fact that the app is successful shows that social media companies have been able to hijack our attention psychology. That’s it. 

So is the only reason you are on reddit right now advocating for the banning of a social media platform and the violation of free is speech because your attention psychology has been hijacked? My goodness that must be difficult for you. I on the other hand am here because of my own free will and am currently expressing an opinion that I would not like to see eliminated one day because reddit becomes seen as a threat by the government.

Comparing our major foreign adversary that’s is actually authoritarian and speech suppressive, to internal political ideologies I think is just an obviously bad comparison.

I wasn't comparing a foreign adversary, I was comparing TikTok. While there are links to the Chinese government it is still an independent company which hosts many American's independent speech. Furthermore as a company operating within the U.S. it is protected by the constitution still as those rights apply whether or not you are a U.S. citizen. The first amendment applies to all people not just citizens. Maybe you think it is okay to suppress the rights of people just because they were not privileged to be born here or have gone through the difficult process of immigrating legally to this country, but I certainly don't and neither did the authors of the constitution.

It's not up to you or the government to decide where Americans get their news that is literally the point of the first amendment. Literally Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Roger Sherman and wrote a bunch of "seditious" and "inflammatory" publications during their time, with Benjamin Franklin running a newspaper. The first Amendment was designed so that others could continue to do the same.

The fact that you are calling someone batshit crazy for saying people have the right to get their news from wherever they want is honestly authoritarian and disgusting.