She's acting nice and is very socialite, but in other hands disregards two dogs in the house.

I hit the Unit 22 of the Section 5 and I'm suprisingly at the end of the Duo course. Die 脺berraschung. Barely at B1 level.

Dutch Free Real Estate, or Nederlands Vrij Vastgoed

PL (N) | EN (B2.2) | DE (A2.2) | NL (A0)

I've realized, that I dabbled in a lot of languages, if their alphabet/writing system matters. But for clarity:
Polish [Native], Russian (reading a dictionary and a couple in books in Cyrilic script at 5 years old), English (learning since 7 years old), German (since 13 years old, actually not just dabbling since 2022), Sindarin/Quenya (at 14-16 years old), Serbo-Croatian (at 14 years old, when on trip to Croatia), Mandarin (at 2019), Czech (at 2020), Dutch (2023).

If I count googling out how to propounce/read something or how to translate some words, then the list... well... extends to who I played in Paradox Interactive games.

Traditional Hunter

I've tried an advice from my previous thread, to practice a bit in point-blank distance in order to boost confidence. And it's the former - nervous of losing another arrow.

Traditional Hunter

As I remember, I did 332/600 against 40 cm target from 15 meters in March. It was an indoor competition, but correspondence one, so iit barely counts, I guess.

Traditional Hunter

I am fully aware of dimnishing returns mentioned by you. What really grinds my gear (or 'gets my nerve') is that I struggle to not shoot worse than week or two ago.

My initial goals for archery (reasons why I started in first place) were:

  • Find long-term (preferably life-long) hobby in place of my previous one (TTRPGs), when I can develop myself and feel some progress and curiosity.
  • Find sport activity for which I'm hooked on (rather than going to gym for 1-2 months and done).
  • Finding a new Third Place to renew my social circles and reach for new acquitainances and contacts.

Pretty much I've achieved that. However, quite quickly I've swallowed the competition craze and perhaps I've receiving my mental pushbacks because I can't meet the progres compared to club members performance (or at least my perceived perception of their expectations towards me). It seems that I need to distance greatly from that competition thing for a while, until I really start to feel good with archery once again. My goals are pretty much to meet the target requirements for my discipline/category (example: able to shoot 60 cm target from 25-35 meters, from unmarked distance) and hit the yellow/zones for easier field 2D/3D scenario.

Thanks for such a long answer! Today I get another feeling to abandon archery (after getting internalized meltdown when practicing 20 and 25 meters, when I need to adjust an angle just a little bit), but I remembered later why I started doing archery in first place. Perhaps I'm simply overambitious relative to my own neural-physical abilities...

Traditional Hunter

I tried asiatic traditional archery (thumb ring technique) a little and while I consider it fascinating, I would need to literally re-learn archery, especially how to take a form and rotate the bow just after release. I also did try more traditional longbow with wooden arrows.

My archery club has a lot of folks which struggles similarly like me, but still core members are field archery veterans of various disciplines (mostly traditional hunter, asiatic bow and compound bow). Up to ten folks frequently win or at least gets the podium stand at all-around country field archery tournaments.

Traditional Hunter

One of the reasons why I don't like complaining publicly is because I overshare like in this post. 馃お

I'm aware that 12 months is a no time in archery. I shouldn't compare to others, however I've already get the observation that most people (incluidng my clubmates) will achieve my performance in first 4-6 months of shooting 15-20 hours per month (like me). My current goal is to not feel like I'm struggling with an accurate shot

In the meantime, I simply wonder whether my current archery discipline fits me.

Traditional Hunter

BTW, I have no idea why those sneakers (sport shoes) went into this post.

Almost a year of practicing archery and struggling with improvement. [Long post]Newbie Question

I had been hesitating with writing this post for a bit of time (since February 2024), because I don't like to complain publicly and I have been looking for solutions of my problem(s) so far.

Forewarning and context: I am on autism spectrum, ADHD and DCD (dyspraxia). All diagnosed (ADHD and DCD since early childhood; AS since 13 years old). Also, I struggle with depression, albeit well under pharmacological & psychiatrist care. Beside of that, I'm not a native English speaker, I live in Poland (based on Warsaw). It's going to be a long post.

I've started my journey with archery in the end of May 2023. Long story short, my first bow was Rolan Snake "60 (22 lbs) and in between August and September, I've switched to my current bow, Oka Ridge Boga "68 (35 lbs). I've managed to make a such poundage jump. As you may guess, my archery category is BHR/TR-RB/'traditional-hunter'. Not a modern olympic barebow (a.k.a. "Barebow").

All was fine and neat up until February 2024, when I've noticed that my progress halted. "Learning curve hit it's temporary plateau, as it goes like sinusoid", I thought and moved on. I hardly can describe myself as a "self-taught" archer, as I've received tons of guidance and help from members of the archery club to which I belong to. I've been in a couple of lessons with a coach specializing in field archery. I've practiced indoors too, asking local coach for tips too. For instance, they corrected me about to not making strange twists and turns with my upper body. [I'm writing that because there will be questions about it, foremost]

In the meantime, I've got a opportunity to participate in a couple of field archery (3D and 2D) amateur tournaments. I was at last place at my first one. However, I've managed to not get the very last one (penultimate mostly, sometimes better). My peak performance was achieveing 11th place out of 18, at 3D+2D amateur tournament with WA-like rules (two arrows, 10-8-5-0). I went twice on even more amateurish and local contests (including one at Viking-Slavic fair) and I got a second place twice.

OK, I am getting to the point. Since two months, I've experienced shortfall of my performance. While I've managed to recognize my mistakes (mostly form, but also anchor deficiencies, poor release, too quick release) and sort it out, I repeat the same mistakes once again, with some random "fashion" of former mistake showing on again when I rooted down a current one. I feel like I have very limited control (abysmal body awareness, thanks to AS/DCD combo) about how my body actually works under both tension and the requirements of having certain body parts and muscles not going stiff (no death grip, release hand working only as a leverage, etc.). Seasonal increase of intensity of my depression didn't help either.

Obviously to say, I'get tense when shootings goes wrong, especially when I'm convinced that "I am aligned myself correctly", but the arrow goes differently because I was aligned wrong/differently.

I've already made some decisions in order to chill and calm down, plus to mitigate limited "RAM" in regards of fine motor control and body control. For instance, after a couple of April's tournaments I've decided to only go for tournaments where I can travel by myself (no social pressure, when I rely on someone's good will to travel deep into the country). I've invested with loop earplugs, to lessen the auditory input. So far, I recognized that my archery performance is intristincally linked to my current (ephemeral) mental state and my emotional state. There are moments when I can focus on my shooting and achieve somewhat tight (relatively speaking) groupings or at least 4-5 arrows going in a single direction. And sometimes, even when I take a care of a shot, the arrow goes extremely to the left (or sometimes to the right, bur rarer), because I wasn't aware that my body decided to align and hold the form much differently for this shot. So far, my only reliable test is "indoor 16 meters to 80 cm 6-10 shield [48 cm in diameter]":

  • When I hit that substantial yellow centre (16 cm), either is a good shot or just a minor mistake.
  • When I hit the red circle, it means I've made anchor/release/bowhand error.
  • When I hit the outermost blue circle, it means my form had been incorrect from the start, which made another possible errors as in point above.

Also, I've noticed that I have a problem with properly setting my bowhand, when I need to make an adjustment for arrow drop.

What I expect from you is to get an advice. How to get along with abysmal/very poor body awareness, with DCD, when practicing an archery? My own physical and neural capabilities are somehow limited and it's an awful feeling, when I know that something exact went wrong with that shot, but I don't have a guarantee that my next shot will be better after making a correction (I mean, correction of the mistake, not correcting my alignment sideways). It's like fighting with my own body, when I have a clear mental picture of what I should do, but the nerves and muscle groups goes as they please in details during a drawing procedure. I don't want to abandon archery, as it is my gateway for physical activity and development (alongside other, but non-physical).

I am also considering of changing archery discipline. My first thought is a compound bow, with potentialy more stable anchoring, using sights as a guidance (offloading fine motor skills, muscle memory and intuition to analytical thinking process, when aiming) and less tension while holding an arrow. I could simply go for olympic target bow, but I personally don't vibe with that discipline and also - at least here in Poland - it is "least fun type of archery" at least for me and perhaps most elitistic and offish one. Another idea is to go straight into traditional/re-enactment archery, as to ditch out my own mental burden of trying to shoot accurately and simply having fun with engaging with the history topics. However, the latter one has even more demanding technique at the beginning, while still I have quite beginner archery capabilities...

To not get lost in the post, archery happens to be a really good indicator of how much DCD affects me. While having mediocre archery skills at best, still Im shooting better than I'm throwing sticks, rocks or javelins. I want to enjoy the archery, make steady (even if slow) progress and get the feeling of not returning to the worse place I've have been before. I know that I will never become a really good archer, not with my conditions and being overweight 33-years old. Perhaps I need to find an entire different purpose of practicing an archery...

Erudite Explorers

Trump? Propably not. However, I think that PsyOps and groups around Trump and Republicans (including Russian's GRU) can steer towards it or even already are doing that, either intentionally or as a by-product of their agenda.

Erudite Explorers

In fairness, Millenarianism is as old as Christianity and it's literally about transforming the reality by undoing/destryoing/reseting it, so "all things will be changed".

I can imagine a spacefaring megachurch civilization, which considers The Shroud as The Second Carpenter's Son's Coming.

Traditional Hunter

The feel, that your entire quiver (10+ arrows) sits tight in the shield target with no outlier arrows.

Spanish or vanish! - Duo the Football Manager


Terra Invicta, czyli... w sumie bez zmian, dalej nasz 艣wiat, normalne 偶ycie...

...z tym 偶e jesieni膮 2022 wykryto obcych w Uk艂adzie S艂onecznym, za艣 do marca 2024 zd膮偶y艂o si臋 rozbi膰 kilka statk贸w obcych. Gdznieniegdzie obcy porywaj膮 ludzi, pozaziemska flora zaczyna pojawia膰 si臋. Ziemia jak zwykle podzieli艂a si臋 na szereg frakcji, w tym g艂贸wne siedem, kt贸re dzieli stosunek do obcych.

Ale przynajmniej do marca 2024 ju偶 s膮 pierwsze bazy kosmiczne na ksi臋偶ycu.

Crusader Kings 3 and Kenshi.

Essentially the results of incestous rampant eugenics in the far future and couple of apocalypses later.

PL (N) | EN (B2.2) | DE (A2.2) | NL (A0)

German has just below 100 milions of L1 speakers, and maybe up to 85 milions of L2s. Considering how "tight" the positions on the chart could get after Arabic, no wonder why German isn't.

According to this list, Standard German is at 12. place. (excluding Swiss German, Bavarian-Austrian dialect and so on).

PL (N) | EN (B2.2) | DE (A2.2) | NL (A0)

I didn't expect German as 5,0% of the internet.

PL (N) | EN (B2.2) | DE (A2.2) | NL (A0)

I wish I would vote "Three", aber mein Deutsch ist nicht jetzt gut genug, finde ich. Manchmal, es ist schwierig f眉r mich auf Niveau A2 zu sprechen.