Good on him for stepping up for this woman even if he has no experience.

I watch tv shows and play video games to get AWAY from politics. I can’t watch this now 🤷🏻‍♂️

Platforms from the beach to the ocean is the best raid proof base you can build lol

We will get GTA 6 before we get Allosaurus and Rex.

I might be sick. I feel satisfied watching bad drivers karma catch up to them.

My ex gf was my first experience with a pathological liar/manipulator. She got me a journal for my birthday in May and ironically, writing down my experience with her and the things she did to control me is what made the biggest difference in being able to get over her. I highly recommend writing down his red flags. You got this.

“What did you learn??”

Where is this? I love those positive vibes.

I highly recommend watching/finding podcast based humor such as YMH or the Tim Dillon podcast. There is a ton of it and the dark humor has made me feel less alone and even sidetracked me out of an episode. Stay high and tight.

Orrr you can give up on the devs that gave up on you.

Learning that all I need is myself was the best thing that happened to me. It didn’t happen right away or on good terms but going to the gym everyday and treating myself to nature, good food every Friday, magnet fishing and camping by myself, not waiting or relying on others is what has really helped me. Hope this helps.

Hey how’s the isle doing? Is it fun yet? Did they add the Rex? checks reddit “Look at this cool rock, it looks like a skull but isn’t”