It was freedom of speech and boobs. Reporters are shocked why you say that? Because I have freedom of and I like boobs. So he can say that

He's saying Americans had access to the most advanced weapons of the time and yes that includes cannons and fought off the one world's superpowers. So why shouldn't the right to bear arms keep current why shouldn't people be able to have 50 cal machines and javelin anti tank missles, after all if the government has done nothing wrong they should nothing to fear, that what they tell you anyway

That's the opposite of clever comeback. Mods delete this goof post

Taking matters into your own hands puts your safety at risk say police. Apparently just sitting on a bus or at a bus stop minding your own business puts your safety at risk too. Is riding bus while Asian a crime now

Disagree the media lie about literally everything not jsut trump. Where are all the things they said would happen he's going to start ww3 no that Biden currently over some worthless dirt they want to lay a oil pipeline though from thr middle east and the countries they invaded there like Syria. Trump didn't start any wars so that makes him bad

But the citadel is in deeper and a lot thicker does that help. Or your just get burned down without the citadel getting hit

That can't be right I'm told being a American police is the most dangerous job

Seems like a pretty damming condemnation of Obama and Hillary. That Americans would respond to Obama term with voting in this goof As a non American I found it hilarious.

Seen that personally a few times on or near the trains, told staff and their response eh south Auckland what can you do and laughter

So like the US did with their coup they ran in Ukraine.

Seriously they have balls complaining about supposedly China and Russia funding things in the US. When the US quite openly funds opposition movements in countries it doesn't like the leaders of.

And the whole trump Russia link was proved to be a Clinton staffer making up shit to the FBI

Science doesn't even with all the birds cats kill they don't cause any species to become threatened. Bird numbers are increasing for most species and the ones that aren't are mostly due habitat loss. Got to build more houses and malls you know actually that's a thing that's doesn't get covered enough there's to many people killing birds what with their carsand windows and windmills maybe they should be culled

Hey guys give them a break thesoftware system only cost a billion dollars, there's only so much they can do with that little

How do they keep heading into the waves when they can't see the waves

Do you want a metal smashed in your face and then probably get arrested because we aren't allowed to take the law into our hands, as the book lockers say

Why is her mouth open, does she have a disability, same with that that woman on 3 body problem makes them look like mouth breathing goofs. Or Maybe their permo open mouths is how they got cast.

Entitled wankstain you can't go round touching people and saying its prank bro stop tripping.

Why film in greyscale. Not color?don't like your skin tone?

I'm not impressed with the seating these 2 bit school boards sitting up higher than everyone else like they are better than you. They ain't judges, and I don't really care for that either. Someone should bring a stepladder sit on top and talk down to them.

And ad could be for the bike you are siting on at the time, you don't need to do that I already wasted my money on it jerks