Cartoon Network's Fusionfall. It was an MMO set in the CN universe became available in 2009 and ended in 2013. That fandom is standing on its tippy-toes but is still breathing.

A Chucky backbling would be fantastic! I'd love it if it were reactive to elims as well.

"No beta, we're going in as raw as the sex they're having later"

This one is specific to this one fic I was reading yesterday but I just thought it was funny so I wanted to share :)

I think I found where this is located. It IS in China. Heilongjiang, Northeast China. The place is called Siberia Tiger Park. Got it from this tweet  saying: "The netizen said that the grip of tiger claw is not good."

More info here. It doesn't seem that great of a place tbh. If fur farming is happening, it doesn't say (but I don't expect it to either).

What is this argument? You would have died for some reason under your birth parents' care but at least you would know them? What are you even saying?

They just dont feel refined at all. Almost all major ip's and their main characters have original designs and several alternate designs until they decided on their final version but hers just look like they were the first thing her early teen self came up with.

She did come up with a lot of these characters back then, but that's a false assumption that they didn't have multiple redesigns before settling on the final versions. Before Hazbin even came out, all of the characters had a final redesign that was announced shortly before it premiered. Before Helluva Boss came out, you can spot the old design for Blitzo in the background of a scene in the pilot of Hazbin. Her old designs for many of her characters for Hazbin are available online and you can see how they changed. Charlie, for example, looked extremely different. Nothing like the Charlie we have now.

I don't know anything about Helltaker and I just briefly looked up some images. The artstyle is simple but bold. Vivzie's artstyle is complicated and bold. She has a lot of detail in her style and her character designs have a lot to them. However, they follow a theme and color pallette. Technically, there's nothing wrong with it. I think you don't like it because it's loud. There's nothing wrong with that but that doesn't make it bad design. That's just personal preference.

Being LGBT isn't an adults only thing though considering kids date and get crushes on each other all the time. Telling kids its ok to love who you want is not propoganda wtf are you talking about.

This I would say is fine since it's a small puppy, but I wouldn't introduce a rat to an adult dog or cat. If they're kept in seperate rooms, it may be fine. It's too dangerous to let them interact though.

The Midnight. I wanna play those sax solos in some of their songs so bad.

Damn I loved that movie as a kid. Thats one hell of a reference.

Do you mean Trick or Treat Scooby-Doo? She was smitten with Coco Diablo.

Only thing I've used it for is shooting other people with it because it does 100 damage and then switching to a different gun after the initial shot.

Oh. You can say that about a lot of tropes though. This one is just my personal favorite.

They bicker like an old married couple and everyone just thinks they should kiss already.

The beginning of the movie was great to me and then it just kind of fell off toward the end. It wasn't scary...but it was disturbing.

Cartography by Word-Spitting-Dragon, a ZaDr Invader Zim fic that had me by the balls for quite a while. I just love all the characters in this one, especially the recurring OC. She a badass 😭 It's a must-read for me if you like ZaDr. Unfortunately unfinished, but what's there is worth the time.