Make a naval fleet destroyers, frigates, a lot of coastal cities around you, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, new Zealand,and some strike fighters

Yep, stupid statement by James mcclean. kroos and modric have had way longer careers he may not be world-class yet ,but rice is excellent and has been improving the past few year's he's well on his way to being world-class if he keeps it up,I'm irish Mcclean is salty...declan is rated fairly well

I know staff in mcverrys that have had to spend their own money to buy residents bread milk and ham cause there is nothing for them to eat some days,I've no idea what mcverrys is doing but they are not doing much right to be honest

2 all against albania and 3 nil loss against spain makes Croatia go up. How does that make sense? Italy win against Albania and go down Belgium lose to Slovakia and are third half the rankings are pure wrong

It's all the pokemon games from red to white in one, but gyms and trainers are harder. You can fight other players as's only on PC,android, and ios,check it out you will have to register at pokemmo website to download the application than download the 5 roms...

Seriously a good comparison would be another ai will smith eating noodles

Bunch of retards not even on your original accounts,am I cooked ?? ,I like Fanta, yous are a bunch of clowns in here go sit your exams

PC players are still able to play it though on their is a major issue with pubg mobile and cod mobile PC people smacking phone users

Hello, darkness, my old friend

Where can you capture legendary dog? Your last pokemon in party ?

It will rain maybe 2 of those days don't mind the weather people they are shite at weather prediction