Are they suggesting it could’ve been prevented if we had forewarning? Because it couldn’t have been. You don’t think the intelligence services saw the invasion coming months in advance? It’s not like we could’ve stationed our troops there to stop it, that would’ve just made everything 10x worse. I fail to see the actual point here.

It’s a whole new game can we not just be happy starting again? Surely we’ve done enough carrying characters over by now as it’s been the whole loop of this game for years. I would hope all the skills have been revamped anyway, making our characters incompatible.

Well there’s my Plan C sorted, thanks for the info mate.

Yeah the left has never got a kick out of feeling the the victim. 👍

Very expensive for a 125cc as a new rider. You could get an actual ninja 400 for that.

They’re happy to tear down a man but if I posted something like this about a woman on twitter I’d lose my job. Cool.

Get her to churn some kids out until she inevitably dies in labor, then buy a new one. It’s an incredibly realistic game.

Yeah beds aren’t worth the morale they provide. You’re better off building other stuff. An upgraded lounge has always been enough. Bonus if your base has any built in morale boosters like the drive-in theatre. Pretty easy to hit 100 morale on lethal without any beds there.

Imagine thinking The Bible is bad but happily sitting on the fucking internet all day. And then acting confused when society is crumbling 🤡

Facts. Sturgia is ez claps. They get farmed by my Khuzaits.

Yeah location is a big part. They have strong units compared to their neighbours. Battania is easy pickings for them early on and Sturgia as well really. That usually gets them into the swing of expanding and by that point they’re pretty big.

Is this fashion or actual looks? Cos Shaman is objectively pretty.

I swear everyone deliberately rotates their maps just to fuck with me 🤣

You literally said you were a bottom 🤣🤣🤣🤣

This is definitely true but there is a sweet spot. I feel like at times I’ve spent too much time just having a normal conversation and they’re probably wondering where the follow-through is. There is a point where you do have to make an actual move. After all it is a dating app, you gotta ask for a date.

All at that age? Maybe Shisui/Itachi? I feel like those two in particular were billed as child prodigies more than the rest were. Not saying they turned out stronger than the others. But as kids these two were just different. Source: Vibes.

Yeah you deserved to fail. It’s one thing to forget your checks; but to consciously disregard them is just bonkers. I was about to write a whole paragraph here berating you but just do the checks man.

Typical leftist gaslighting “no one wants to take away guns”. Plenty of people express that view, it’s not an outlandish claim at all. This is literally an anti-gun post we’re commenting under. I’m not even American so I’ve not even got skin in the game. It’s just true.

C’mon bro GTA 5 is over a decade old and you still can’t shake the cops? The Sewers or train tunnels or even multi-storeys are a good bet. Anything to break helicopters line of sight will do most of the heavy lifting.