Pretty sure proud parenting about children existed well before modern gender rhetoric. 

I can see why people may have a problem with bumper sticker parenting but “using it as a political weapon” really isn’t one

A few reasons - sometimes it’s one , sometimes it’s intertwined : 

Value for money :  people see potential for games and feel like they haven’t exactly got their value for money . Pokémon is probably the biggest example of this - games from  IP with so much space to do amazing things and it just doesn’t happen … because of certain people making the game being greedy for money and content doing the bare minimum . As a result pokemon has this weird thing where people are either unhealthily obsessed  with its perceived perfections or unhealthily obsessed  with its perceived imperfections .  There’s also the issue of a lot of big devs seldom taking risks for easy money making and it can be hard for some people to abandon something they once loved . 

People have a tendency to complain about stupid things .  

Nostalgia - people think there was once a golden age of gaming before the powers that be got money hungry . They think that game makers of the past were some saints who could do no wrong and hold today’s game makers by this impossible expectation 

Politics -  Last of us 2 , the upcoming Assasin’s creed and many others -  demonstrate a very vocal group will put games through their own political litmus test and anything that doesn’t pass with flying colours is automatically a crime against the industry . 

Time - most gamers  nowadays  have a massive  back catalogue of games . As a result any game that doesn’t cross a certain level of goodness can result in someone thinking “I should’ve just played this other game” - and you get caught in to an endless cycle. 

Online - live service games and competitive games need/force you to be consistent . As a result you’re putting in hours into a game every day just so that you don’t fall behind on content or you lose your skills 

External life disappointment - like all intense hobbies , gaming offers a potential escape from the real world yet it’s inherently intertwined with the real world . This results in misplaced and exaggerated hate for games . 

Depends on who that someone is , their personality and my relationship to them . 

Unfriending would be too dramatic of a step for me but if it was happening on a frequent basis in a way that made me uncomfortable and I could justify why they’re asking - id limit my time with them 

Same reason guys   dangerously speed on normal roads instead of going to a race track. 

Sometimes douchebags are such douchebags , they’re allergic to an environment where their douchebagness is no longer douchebagness 

Yes douchebagness is a scientific term 

“Other people play my sport and therefore it’s popular” is such a weird flex.  We’ve got to a point where most countries have international team for niches .  

The World Championships of competitive sauna has more than 20 countries - with weird outliers like the UK and Mexico . It’s still a sport associated with Eastern Europe , the Nordic countries and Russia.  None of those countries pretend that there as many Mexican and British kids who want to grow up to be competitive sauna champions as football players nor do they over-exaggerate the internationals cultural influence of their cherished sport .  If Russia isn’t brainwashing its citizens to think competitive sauna is some sort of world wide phenomenon  while the average American patriot thinks their version of rugby is globally revered , then there’s a serious problem and no technicality can save America’a face on the topic 

Yes it’s likely to better  with higher brightness , more controlled contrast and some extra juice to the processor . 

That said just because it’s the better tv , doesn’t mean you need to rush to upgrade . 

The Z9J is still a great tv and if you’re not having any problems I’d wait for the  successor of the successor of the Bravia 9 . Sony will be even more used to the mini led driver so will  have better algorithms esp if they put the upcoming pentatonic chip on the tv . 

Seems Sony is really going with a catch all approach so hopefully you won’t have to worry about nerfs to protect QD OLED . 

I have an X95J and while QD OLED is my next purchase for a different room , I think I’ll eventually upgrade my X95J to the Bravia 9 successor or maybe the Bravia 9 when new models come in and it reaches clearance price .  This mainly for better dialogue and because it’s a bright room . My X95J holds up very well - so I’m only really planning it for enhanced dialogue - everything else will be a bonus - but I’m in no rush to replace my X95J.  

It’s the easiest way to divide people.  Plus , interacting with POCs on European soil has only existed for some 300 years . It’s the easiest way to make “outsiders” and “insiders” .  

 If it wasn’t for skin colour , evil people will  definitely find new things to discriminate like eye colour and hair colour .  

 That said a lot of genocides were between people with the same skin colour .  

There’s this very interesting study (I think it was by New York University) about the innate biology of skin colours .   We actually have genetic instructions from factors of our skin colour about how we recognise people . The study found that black babies learn to recognise people by skin shade and hair styles while white babies learnt how to recognise people by hair colour and eye colour .  

Another study built on top of this and found that up until the age of three , kids felt more comfortable with a stranger from the same ethnicity as opposed to someone they see frequently (like neighbours, extended family friends ) of a different ethnicity . 

Its not a politically correct opinion - but imo the evidence is there - we have innate instincts to divide people by skin colour and some people just never grow out of that stage due to conditioning and brainwashing 

There’s a nationalist movement to send ALL immigrants home .  

But when those immigrants are vaguely similiar we pretend they aren’t immigrants . 

Most nationalists want an end to the unity of kingdoms and England to be its own Sovereign nation 

Funny given that Corbyn was a leaver and he’s supposed to be figure boy of left wing anti semites . 

Its a shame real Jewish people have to deal with stupid claims diluting such an important issue 

Well Keir Starmer has taken the party into a new far right territory . Kiss goodbye to all your Bangladeshi owned curry houses and god knows who’s next 

You see a similiar trend in a lot of family orientated societies outside of the Indian subcontinent  - Arab societies, some African countries but there are some differences .

  For example , in Saudi , a man with a Saudi passport marrying a woman with a non saudi passport must own their own home legally - but it’s common in some parts  of the country  for them to just put that home for rent and stay with their family .  Usually the parents will help get that home too .  

 In west , it’s very individualised and family as an institution is weak which is now a problem given financial crisis , housing market and stagnant wages .  

Things are slowly changing in Europe  as young people are realising that it makes sense for them to stay with their parents and now the stigma about a man who lives with his family is decreasing in Europe . In USA it’s still very much a taboo and seen as a bad thing if a man lives with his family and financially supports them .  (In this case I mean family as in parents and siblings ). 

I would imagine getting a very soft memory foam pillow and cutting it to what you need would be more beneficial but it can be time consuming . 

I’d say if your surgery isn’t too bad and you can recover quickly - make sure you get a sleep noodle towards the end of your recovery . Sleeping on the stomach can become a bad habit very quickly - so make sure you have measures in place to make sure you will still be sleeping on your side once you recover 

Good luck with the surgery 

I mean most dems and republicans have the same lobbyists funding them  so the “we hate each other” is definitely a front to some extent 

Both Trump’s people , biden’s people and their shared lobbyists/overlords worked together to stop the Green Party candidate from appearing at the debate - in a very coordinated way .  So even if Biden and Trump don’t have each other’s cell phones - their top guys have a lot of phone numbers from the side they pretend to hate 

Yep we’re in decline .  From high street , to global power . The sad thing is- things are somewhat fixable - it’s just we’re never going to get politicians that care to fix things and an electorate with no desire to critically think. 

In terms of things shutting down - I think it depends on what you define as shutting down .  High street shops have shut down but those remaining are very resilient .  Hospitals are on the brink of closing down but people still fight to keep them going . 

I don’t even think you need a spicy comeback . Just state basic facts - lots of white communities from Vikings to Kurdish used dreadlocks well before they met a single black person . There’s no need to argue with those kind of people - they just want to be the victims in every scenario 

High level Gymnasts ? Those guys are surprisingly well built and strong .  I doubt they’d win a sumo wrestling match with an actual sumo wrestler but I think they’d be able to physically excel at a lot of sports esp if time for training in those sports is unlimited ? Idk I’m obese myself 

Depends on their ethnicity , where exactly they’re from and depends a lot on yourself too. 

In my experience , the only real difference  is that American girls go wild for a British accent. Always thought it was just something that happened in tv shows , was pleasantly surprised to find it was a thing irl too . 

Thats about it really and maybe like another comment said Americans girls are way more hawk tua . 

Europe is too diverse to make into one group - for example girls from places like the Nordic countries and Germany seem to be more mature on average than girls from UK, Eastern Europe , Italy and Spain .   Perhaps there’s some nuance in Australia too  but can’t speak from experience on that one 

Can’t say with the newer sets but pretty sure they’re using the same substandard ports that the older sets do . If you want an Ethernet connection , your better off getting a solid usb to Ethernet adapter and running it to the tv like that. 

There are a LOT of academic mls and other statistical experiments that prove that even when hours are accounted for - women are still paid less .  Even if we were to pretend that work hours are the only factor - well obviously the gender that’s been cooped up in their homes forced to be house wives are going to work less hours . Things don’t magically change over night .  

 The work hour argument will only be valid when entire societies attribute the same parental and home caring duties for men and women which isn’t happening . Even in countries where social gender conditioning is less intense - like the Nordic countries - there is still massive gender occupational segregation.

  We are still far from gender conditions being a non factor. If anything things are getting worse in anglophone countries where the norm is for “women to work like men” and that’s seen as fixing the problem despite it creating new problems - we now have to pretend conditioning is no longer a factor because it’s no longer a politically correct thing even though it’s been proven time and time again 

And that’s not even including how under employment - in many western countries - is highest for educated women compared to less educated men. 

Well PIA , Biman and Air India is privatised now while  Sri Lankan air is government owned . 

But I think the biggest factor is just demand .  The desi diaspora is the biggest diaspora on the planet . Mix that with private business incentives things will pretty much never end well . 

Idk I feel like a woman who goes out of her way to be friendly and helpful towards other women wouldn’t brag about it … or even have a word for it because they think it’s just the normal standard …

If she learns Mexican does that mean brexit means more brexit or brexit means less brexit 

Aren’t Chilean immigrants really revered in Mexico while Venezuelan refugees are hated ? 

As long as good food is there - most guys would be content with whatever . I  am no where near close to 40 but still haven’t had a birthday in years . 

Just good food and maybe a thoughtful present/activity and most guys would feel like they’re having a bday fit for a king.  

 I’m sure there are fussy guys out there who’d care about every little birthday detail but I’m sure that’s a far from significant minority