City of Evil

Id honestly like to hear some more Ozzy covers. I personally enjoyed Paranoid, but i know they can do better.

Hit us with Over The Mountain or something or even No More Tears, Mr Crowley, even Diary of a Madman would sound intense.

I unironically use the term Twizzler though 🙁

Guess ill just quit eating licorice then.

Different colors = different loot

If you need to farm something, its really up to you what to breed

I always wait until i get the slime charmer before i even consider building the Hutch.

City of Evil

Out of context - "Need tabs for a little piece of heaven" sounds like one hell of a party lol

It would sound a lot better as North American Simulator then

You need to get the steam version.

Then come back and complain about those broken restockers, you might get a nicer reply.

:bjs2: Toronto BJs

Every team that lost a world series game i guess

Unplug the system "whoops, power outage"

Wicked shit homie, iirc i was that day years old when I first saw it

reads box

"Flip halfway through cooking.... fuck"

only watched the golden age

"I see you've been listening to a lot of Wu Tang Clan lately. So I'm going to keep the vibe going.

And to show you I'm serious, here's some Florida Georgia Line"

Winter for the break from farming

Spring for the sudden explosion of colors after a month of looking at all the snow lol

My own Leafs (don't laugh)

Im not even a Leafs fan but i just cant get behind the memes.

"Lol imagine supporting a losing team"

"Imagine being a losing team and still having a solid ocean of blue/white at every game"

Shit if you wanna pick on a team, the Sens are right next door lol