Ask about it. My doc said that she have seen more and more preclempsia patients whose face is swollen instead of hand and feet.

My mom did this to me however when I was little aprox 2-3y/o I pulled my sweater over my head so badly that one earring stud moved in my ear. You can imagine how upset I was and how much in pain I was when they tried to move it out. Now I seriously judge every parent who is piercing their daughter ears so early. It's not worth it. I will agree with piercings when she goes to school.

39+6 I was wake whole night, slept whole day and stared out of window.. Ability to focus or to be productive has gone to 0%. I feel so uncomfortable but I forget constantly that I'm pregnant. Wheeen?

My friend had situation like that, fortunately they managed to push baby back and do the c section.

Worse is that bebes get bigger and stronger. Mine is constantly kicking my ribs and when before I was able to push her away then now it's a fight :D

I don't get what is wrong with these people. Its not normal! I have been very aware of lately how others behave with hospital visitors etc. And I have to say that only one or two Couples have let anyone near the hospital and it's after birth. Turning birth it's not even recommended. Even midwives highly suggest keeping visitors away as long as possible. Stand on your ground because if you already let her manipulate you with such personal thing you will regret it later - because it only will get worse.

Yesterday I saw that I part of a secret mission to save someone's puppy from a highschool and because of that I was announced to be international criminal. Today I saw that I had stalker who had installed cameras in front of my living room windows and acted like it's his human right to keep these there. Not weird at all:D?!

Just demand respect as a mother! :D It so funny to me because I was on that road myself until I basically said: "enough is enough" and these wonderful gifts stopped. List of things what she tried to give me got more and more ridiculous so I just said that if you keep bringing i will donate or throw away because it's not safe or hygienic. Once I was greeted with 40 year old see through plastic diapers (they looked like plastic bags from a store) with text: "they are perfectly fine to use" .

Don't panic! I did and now I see how unnecessary it was. If I was you I would start my research about carseats, because you need it, but overall you are all good. I made excel sheet with categories "ASAP" and "Nice to have" it will give you clarity and also you start to think how urgent something really is and who can donate of gift you their baby's used staff. Also you have overview of your spendings because baby staff is expensive af.

Bugaboo is good! I live in nordic country and for us very popular brand is Emmaljunga. I probably use my bugaboo for warmer weather and if winter is as snowy as last one I will buy second hand emmaljunga sento max because its like a tank

Just then say that you haven't had chickenbox and you can't be sick at the moment bc of work for example. Vaccinations might not work with so short notice anyway. I wouldn't go even if not pregnant.

Yep, sounds like a 1st trim, also my skin did age in short period of time like 5years, in second until beginning of 3th I was living a dream - no acne, hair didn't get greasy, now the end of 3th I feel puberty all over again. Pregnancy is so different

I think you are confusing "the one who depend on" and "the one who we can push and pull and do not respect". Grow yourself pair of horns before it's late. Employers like this will suck life out of you.

I also didn't knew what it meant but aprox 33-34w I start feel a little nauseous and uncomfortable while sleeping on back. So now I fall to sleep on my side but I have to admit that I sometimes wake up on my back.

For me the most important question to myself was - would I be okay if I have no one on my side (even not my partner) and when I felt that the answer is yes I knew it was the time. Pregnancy and parenting is very nerve wrecking overall so I highly recommend waiting until you are mentally ready. Many of my friends have "gone with the flow" because they always have been great with the kids. But now most of them have had PPD and some of them can't wait to cut/tie their ovaries.

Uti, antibiotics tales are the biggest sign. We told some of my friends that and they smirked as have I done before. To others we told that we are trying and im not taking any chances and actually telling that felt better (for me personally). We tried everything like ordering secretly alcohol free wines and virgn cocktails to "I have to drive today" but it gave us so much unnecessary stress. Friends usually see you through anyway..

37+ bebe is so low and active that I'm not getting any lighting crouch but instead having all day thunderstorm down there. I tried to have a walk today - I'm very active person usually but now my walking pace is similar to a snail and it hurts everywhere. I'm not functioning person anymore - I'm a vessel :D

I went to second hand store and just bought a lot of sleepers and bodys. My biggest mistake was to buy fancy newborn outfit online as she is already bigger than that. You can put baby in bigger clothes easily but not the other way around.

Friends have said that second hand is the way to go because then you will not be sad if anything gets ruined. Also one of my friends cuts off all the sleepers footsis when her daughter is too tall for them. Another friend said that don't buy anything what you have to pull over babies head + always prefer zippers.

Also my remarks are that h&m is small and tight, zara might be strechy but often fabric IS bad+expensive, primark also often runs small + is strechy but fabric will pill up easily with washing. Next in my opinion is worth the hype and Lindex quality is also great.

I agree with others - you must talk with insurance companies in Aus. I'm European and for me my husband credit card insurance will be covering my pregnancy, traveling errors and medical bills(including baby's) if anything happens in foreign country, also we have European health insurance for what as eu citizen I just need to order a card and medical costs will be insured. In the end, baby is not the one who gets billed - it will be you.