Yo Mama A Ojama

Poor Nasten, he just wanted to redeem himself

Stonetoss is literally a fascist though. He supports fascists and their causes, simple as.

I play both and they are equally bad. There’s honestly a bunch of overlap anyway.

Yo Mama A Ojama

Mechaba isn’t just a spell/trap negate, he’s a conditional omni. You just have to discard a card with the same type.

That combo you described is ass. MJ is better than Dragoon 95% of the time. Both is nice tho. Also the only synchro you should consider playing in Branded is Lulu and she’s just a tech option anyway.

You’re fucking full of it

You’re a fucking joke, get over your hate boner for the show. Stop projecting your own personal insecurities.

She wasn’t his assistant for 4 years, and she wasn’t his personal assistant, you numbskull.

Four is more reasonable but a permanent lockdown on setting spells and traps effect is too much. It shouldn’t have a floodgate effect at all.

Honestly I don’t think a “Nib for backrow” is necessary or healthy for the game. Backrow decks have enough hard counters and blowouts already. The idea is an interesting concept, but I don’t really see a way for it to be balanced; it’ll either be too op or unplayable.

This effect is completely, ridiculously overpowered. Getting fucked over this hard for setting only 3 literally is a death sentence for backrow decks.

I’ve seen the cyber cucks say some truly wild things that’s why I wasn’t sure.

Yo Mama A Ojama

You can’t rank down in any rank lower than plat.

I just constantly tinker with my decks. Although I only have 8ish. I’ll purposely change up key components just to try something different.

Yeah I might have jumped to conclusions. There’s a couple religious nuts in the comments.

You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about do you? Someone’s drank too much of the Kool-Aid.