I'm voting for the guy too. He's not my preferred choice, but he's the better choice.

Guido's in Boise? Fucking love it. I go there to pick up a pie every time I visit my parents

Bruh I thought that was an overburnt KFC chicken strip

Hank Hill probably bumps his rap alter ego Hank Trill.

Specifically the song "Propane Money".

Well first you need to place an oscillating fan in front of her face and turn it on max speed. Then, simply bend over and fart into the fan.

He legalized weed so people would be too stoned to realize he fucked the economy into a tailspin.

Then the guy at the counter tells you he'll wrap it up for you and then takes it to the back, reweighs it, kills it and wraps it up for you.

It certainly does when you're surrounded by hard men.

I always found it funny that you accuse this man of cocaine use while completely ignoring the fact that cocaine was found at the White House not too long ago.

Projection and gaslighting at its finest.

It seems like shit nazis is all you think about in your mental house.

Are the nazis in the room with you right now?

Bet he never has to take a...


As a person who abused gas station speed during high-school I want to tell you three things. You missed out on a lot of good times and also a lot of bad times... and cocaine is way better.

I took Ivermectin (horse paste) to treat covid-19...

It made covid go away, but it gave me a serious side effect...

I now have a 3ft long horse cock and I'm afraid that if I get an erection I will die from blood loss to the brain.

I remember that one time in Portland, where a few red hats followed the anti-Trump protestors and started placing MAGA bumper stickers on their cars. Portland antifa and LW "activists" then ended up smashing the windows of their own cars.

It was hilarious.

Completely agree with you

Conservative here, I still watch the show and enjoy it.

Again, who was in charge of the AIDS epidemic? Please don't try to deflect.