Libs of Reddit

r/libsofreddit48.5K subscribers15 active
TUES. POLL: r/NeverLeftism Vs. r/JokesOnWokes, which sister sub name/concept should we launch?Flaired Users Only

The mod team of r/Walkaway and r/LibsOfReddit are looking to expand to a sister sub, in addition to working on some community upgrades, in celebration of r/LibsOfReddit closely approaching 50k subs. In this poll, we want to hear from you on which sub name and concept to go with. We're committed to expand conservative thought and expression on Reddit as we work together with the community of enthusiastic posters and commenters in symbiotic way.

Both subs are live right now for the purposes of checking them out and participating in them throughout this week while this poll remains live for the next 6 days. The "winning" sub will stay live and the other will go private. Here are quick links to the two subs that are going head to head in this poll, in addition to a relaunch of our sub FreePress:

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Pinnedby conspiracythierryModeratorMICROAGGRESSOR :chad: Mostly Peaceful Overlord
by TheRomanticKashafMICROAGGRESSOR :chad: Conservative