I'm still voting for Biden. I can't vote for a racist rapist felon pile of pants-shitting pedophile dictator.

No doubt some were well taken care of on a case by case basis. As a whole, we're in this situation because they passed so much legislation to allow loopholes and general hoardings of wealth and amassing properties that we have a gross imbalance of money.

I just woke up (it's morning) so I'm going to be off on numbers but something like 70% of wealth is held by top 10% of people.

You have kids just starting families that are saddled with school debt that can't afford homes because of the astronomical prices of homes and school.

Boomers and generations before them could have a home and support their entire family on a single income with no more than a high school education.

The list of requisites just to exist these days has grown longer since they were young.

Edit: here's an illustration of some of my points. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/charted-u-s-wealth-by-generation/

This white guy is stealing your black job then. Fuck the orange klu klux rapist felon.

Chadtopian Citizen

I came in him, then he came on you and your wife - this morning.

Fuck him in his fat orange ass! Worst president EVER. all scholars agree.

Chadtopian Citizen

This was the only way to roll when I moved to Tampa in 2006. I was a broke college kid but $5 could ensure my shit wasn't broken into in St. Pete.

The only HolUp here is that someone is dumb enough to consider voting for a rapist fraud felon Nazi-loving conman.

Chadtopian Citizen

I get what you're saying but there are people out there that choose for whatever reason to not have children. They're full of love, good intentions and the means but no kids or family of their own.

This may have been Dale's way of becoming in-Dale-able.

I'll vote for a dead guy before Trump gets my vote.

Fuck, man! It was shitty to see that last night but I'm still voting Joe. Republicans won't see a single vote from me til that fat rapist felon fraud is behind bars or worm food.

About 20 years ago I used to take my girlfriend into my office to knock boots after a movie (since the theater was nearby).

Once, I banged her all over the office, the conference room, then doggy on my boss's desk. I accidently finished all over his yellow legal pad he'd always carry around.

Part of me wonders if this was the boss or a worker leaving a mark like this.