I prefer story based games but if the story is boring, I will skip the cutscene. But if I’m engaged in the story, it’s like an interactive book/movie. I don’t want to ALWAYS play with or against someone else, sometimes I just want to complete missions or free roam

That’s funny. I actually laughed. Not out loud but it made me feel momentary joy

I blame COVID. It made it so everyone got used to speeding around all the time and now that there is more traffic than ever before, people are frustrated and self centered. I’m guilty of it as well. But I had to wait several months to replace a catalytic converter so I was bussing it for a while and definitely noticed it was more peaceful outside of a vehicle. If it wasn’t so hot I’d walk more

None. Let Fortnite get back to originality

When he handed her the phone I half expected her to yeet that sombich into the water

Yeah I was passive aggressively bullied my entire life and while I knew I was being EXCLUDED, I didn’t realize until recently that I was being bullied

This is why they want to ban abortion: because they need new consumers to replace the ones that become “workers”

These creatures are the closest thing to “human intelligence” in the animal kingdom. I think they could evolve to speak within the next 1000 years and it wouldn’t surprise me

Is it weird that I enjoyed Spider-Man more than I enjoyed Miles Morales? Like the story was good but the “venom” powers weren’t an improvement IMO

I’m 31. Mentally/emotionally I am probably 22-26. I tried getting therapy and I got ghosted. I have MediCal and they offer no help because they are so overworked themselves. I’m so exhausted

Wait you guys had friends?

It wasn’t DIRTY, but obviously the most wild move I’ve seen to move on in the playoffs was Ross Chastain at Richmond in 22

It’s because Jesus was a carpenter, duh 🙄 /s

If you sell it, you can return it for your money back. If you donate it, you can’t

Heirloom snacking tomatoes are amazing but are so hard to find at regular grocery stores

These would have been donations directly to less fortunate students and not a food bank. And this was 12 years ago in SoCal. People love to sue here

I worked at a college convenience store/kitchen/coffee shop and we were told to throw away food at the end of the night for 2 reasons:

1 - that way we weren’t intentionally making more than we knew would sell so we could take home free stuff 2 - if we donated it and it made someone sick, we could be sued

Both reasons make perfect sense if you’re greedy and have no soul

Hey Dale Jr. you might wanna talk to her about the best way to treat a concussion

I hadn’t even thought of that. I mean it makes sense. That’s why the line and the cone and eventually the orange box were added, to prevent last second fakes that could be dangerous to crews.