Because God has been dead a VERY long time.

AMBAF (Assigned Male by Air Force)

To be fair, Egon's theory of Total Protonic Reversal was just that, a theory. To be fair he had every reason to believe it, he invented the damn things, so it's safer not to TEST that theory unless absolutely necessary.

Javert from Les Miserables. He's entirely wrong about "a former criminal can never change" but he is 100% in the right to be pursuing Valjean. He bailed on his parole and lived for years under a pseudonym, lying his way into POLITICAL POWER, even if it was just a mayor. It doesn't matter if Valjean has a heart of gold and is raising Cossette at Fantine's request, he is, in the eyes of the law at large, not JUST Javert's black and white perception of it, a fugitive.

The internet has a problem with identifying people who are clearly not someone you want to be.

No. Homelander is not a hero. No. You're not supposed to be parroting Eric Cartman whenever a woman is cast in a movie. You are not supposed to agree with these characters.

False positives happen with vote kicking, especially if you're just especially cracked at the game.

A VAC ban though will normally only happen if you actually have cheats on your system, so false positives are very, very rare there, and while there's no appeal process, false bans do get removed after investigation.

Because God has been dead a VERY long time.

This has "Tomska revealing the #Content background was a greenscreen" or "Wayne's fridge is fake" vibes.

We're not even told he's Cletus Kasady until AFTER that mission, where Yuri casually drops the name as one of his aliases.

Similarly, Nightsister Magick is just The Force being utilized in a way the Jedi and Sith are not trained or educated in.

He's 100% right until the moment he forces the electrician or whoever to shut down the Containment Unit, despite The Busters warning him several times that just shutting the unit down out of the blue is dangerous.

The guy even says "I don't understand ANY of this", and Peck forces him anyway. That's an OSHA violation, right there, forcing the guy to use equipment he's not trained with.

Then comes Frozen Empire where he just comes off as a bitter asshole who's angry he didn't get his way I the 80s. The Ghostbusters have proven to not only be RIGHT, but have SAVED THE WORLD, not once, not twice, but three previous times! (Gozer 1, Vigo, Gozer 2:Tokyo Drift), the ONLY valid point he had there was Phoebe's was too young to be a Ghostbuster. But he keeps trying to get them shut down again, and even threatens Phoebe, a child, for slandering him when she RIGHTFULLY points out that HE caused The Manhattan Crossrip!

Aiming for the lightsaber

Oh, like every lightsaber fight since A New Hope?

To be fair, Titanfall 2 was the game to first use that concept with Effect and Cause, that mission really felt like a homage to that

Just imagine, you're exploring this long forgotten city on the abandoned Genesis world of humanity, when you hear an old radio let out it's dying crackle of sound:

"I don't want to set the world on fire...I just want to start a flame in your heart..."

Because God has been dead a VERY long time.

some people really heard Shadow the Hedgehog say "If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have." and took the exact wrong message from that.

Jokes aside, this is my favorite running gag at any con. You're almost GUARANTEED to see at least ONE spy with a paper mask, no matter what the con is about. Anime? There's a spy. ComicCon? Spy. Furry Convention. Uwu, what's this, it's a spy.

Rush, actually. She's from the Sol Dimension like Blaze and is her closest friend. Essentially, if Blaze is the Sol Dimension's equivalent to Sonic, Marine is it's answer to Tails.

Hell, circling back to cream, she can carry both Amy AND Big at the same time

Plus, the ice cream would act as a good neutralizer for the spice, giving it the flavor, but lowering the intensity of the heat.

Because God has been dead a VERY long time.

It's like that one Extra Fabulous comic with the boxer about to throw a Kamehameha

"I know he prolly couldn't, but I ain't gonna fuck around and see if he could."

Because God has been dead a VERY long time.

How does it work? If you can piss six feet in the air, straight up (on the poor) and not get wet, you get NO downpayment!

While it's not for everyone, the original person is absolutely wrong for calling it "ruined".

The story is not ruining the game. The story IS the game. If it's not for your that's fine, but you can't just say that it's "ruined" because it's cinematic.

Theoretically, could you not salvage a droids memory unit (droids going long periods without memory wipes is what causes them to develop distinct personalities, evidenced by Artoo who hasn't gotten once since the Phantom Menace), could you not implant it into a new unit and effectively resurrect that droid?

Honestly, I would be SHOCKED if Cal never comes to live action. We have not seen an extended universe character gain this much popularity since Kyle Katarn. Cal is almost universally loved among the fandom, Disney would be stupid NOT to use him more.