it seems could have blinked and went from 25 to 40.

This is not normal, it's gross and wrong. When i was 3-7 years old, my dad would take us to hotels and make us wait in his truck while he cheated.

Don't ever cheat and hold your parents to the same morals that they expect you to have.

Take this as a moment to learn what you know to be right for yourself, and never settle for less. There is another lesson here, besides what is right for you, is that some people are just downright shitty to each other, and they will try to make it ok.

Grow up to be a better person... I am 40 years old and I'm not my lying cheating drunk wife-beating dad. I am not my lying cheating drug-dealing mom.

You can do it!

think of what type of guy you like, and try to guess where they would be... like busy and thirsty nerds? try 5-7pm at the dive bar closest to your university to pick up grad students. want a gym rat, go to the gym. want a bible thumper? go to church.

you should have no problems finding a date.

NTA - you set boundaries, and you want to keep them. Sounds like he'll be living in his apartment the next 6 years while he's co-parenting his children. Will your relationship survive that? That's up to you and him.

the other thing to do is not spend money on stuff that isn't worth it.

I agree! You will pay near $300.00 to balance your old bot back into the meta, but then power creep will kill it again in a nerfcycle anyhow.

It's your height. You're pretty, but the average man is 5'9" - just got to wait for the right guy that isn't afraid of you.

The answer is NEVER SPEND MONEY. When you do, you move up to the next bracket super quick, and you're back to losing but now with buyer's remorse.

They are kicking people satisfied with their hangars to try and encourage new spending, or new spenders to play. i'm done with this game, because there is no loyal to the player base.


This could have been settled in 3 2-minute rounds at applebees or wafflehouse.

I'm 8 days without a purchase. In August I've spent $60. in July I spent $200. I guess I am WAS a whale.

Bigger is better!WR Joke
  • This one is clearly bigger, and therefore stronger

  • Little Khepri energy


good job! I'm 300 points behind you in a similar situation.

You are not wrong.

My wife's sister rubbed herself on me in a grocery story from behind. I turned around and told my sister-in-law "DON'T" and walked away. I never told my wife. Four days later she told me that she had seen it from a distance, and she was upset and hurt... much the same way you feel now.

TO THIS DAY my wife will start arguments, because she doesn't trust me to tell the truth. TO THIS DAY my wife will breakout into tears. TO THIS DAY she has never forgiven me. I was ashamed, and I still am ashamed about the incident... I was low-key sexually assaulted.

That trust will take YEARS to grow back. She isn't you... he isn't me... but this is just a point of view for you to consider.

Honorable Mr. DNR,

I've been considering my involvement in this game, and community. I loved the game up until a week ago. 9.3's drop made me feel like my previous involvement in the game meant nothing to the DEVs.

I have 7 mk2.12 or mk3 robots w/weapons and modules, with level 50 to level 70 pilots, 3 level 12 drones and almost 3 level 150 titans with 2 sets of level 25 weapons and modules. I paid cash for most of these goodies.

Now the gold I PAID FOR WITH CASH MONEY means almost nothing? I can't use it to upgrade titan AI or pilots?

I know if I complain to google, I can get the $60 or so back I've spent in the last 30 days, but my account will be banned... BUT I'M CONSIDERING IT.

I'm sure that's how many players are feeling right now. I'm the smallest whale/biggest dolphin and they need people like me to keep this game going. So please pass that along too!

all they have to do is give it reaper immunity and it's a top tier robot again

that's just it's class...

t3 is purple rarity, t4 is gold.

light/medium/heavy is just a general discription of its health points and speed... light bots are faster and have lesser health points, heavy are slower and many health points, medium are in between.

2 / 5 / 6 / 3 / 1

Angler is way better than Ravana or Fenrir