Sorry this is Reddit. We don’t bash or acknowledge any wrong doing by those on our side. /s

51 high ranking military people swore the laptop was Russian disinformation…..we k ow how that turned out. They couldn’t shut down a Nobel winning scientist down fast enough when he said ivermectin worked on Covid….. New headline. 16 Nobel prize economist payed handsomely to say Biden is better….

Please help me understand why the courts deciding is such a bad thing? That’s an honest question. I thought the courts were supposed to decide a claim between to entities

Didn’t the country do just fine BEFORE chevron? And the FDA is largely responsible for the poison that’s in all our food now.

Neither did you. Had you just done what was right to begin with, her attitude probably would not have happened. This started and ended with you.

Let’s talk about how well Joe did and how well he can run the country

Is this like the 51 intel officers who said the laptop was Russia disinformation?

Didn’t come out in discovery that they found only 13 sheets of classified papers? So all these boxes spilled all over is pretty misleading. Didn’t also come out in testimony they used fake documents as place holders also? I mean Jack is admitting to all kinds of Tom foolery.

Uvula….when Howard shot the spit wad down his throat.

With everything that’s come out lately in testimony and emails does it make you wonder if we weren’t conned a bit?

It’s so sad how gullible everyone has become. Your government hasn’t been right one time and y’all pissing yourselves about climate control because they so. So sad.

See this is where common sense is handy…. Why would a grocery manager waste his time/energy walking out to the parking lot to discuss business when he could simply use the intercom? If you know anything about that position, you k ow frivolous time wasting is not an option. More to this story. It’s more likely that walk across the parking lot was to tell him break was over 15 minutes ago, get back to work.

I’m sure you k ow what we have right now is not true capitalism and calling it capitalism blurs the reason we are here. Calling this capitalism helps further their agenda to convince everyone capitalism is the problem thereby pushing us toward socialism and then communism. You are basically doing their dirty work for them. Absolutely continue to call out the crime we are living under!!! Just don’t mislabel it and further their agenda.

A lot? That’s remarkable since those all boast <3% fail rate. Yet you k ow lots of the less than 3% category… so all those anomalies only live in your town? It’s statistically more likely you know a bunch of fibbers.

I really feel as an adult you should be able to handle this. Where have all the grown ups gone? I seriously doubt any night crew boss has the time or energy to walk out to the parking lot to give you instruction and if you need that kind of instruction on a continuous basis well maybe night crew isn’t for you.