One thing that my LGS does that made me feel welcome as someone who isn't amab is that they provide sanitary products. It's quite rare anyway and I'd never seen it in an LGS before coming to this one.

It makes a difference to those of us who aren't the norm in game shops, I think it sends a little message of "hey, here are some things we've considered to make you more comfortable"

Took this photo of my boy being goofy recently, I hope it cheers you up a little!

NTA - you're right, he was being extremely disrespectful towards your home and hospitality.

Also, he works in a hospital and isn't showering every day? Is this just when he isn't working?

If all you said was that she was blunt (from what you've described, rude would have been a more accurate description!), and didn't expand on that further, her reaction is really more about her, especially given that she got so immediately defensive.

As to how to move on from this, it depends, do you think you can have a reasonable discussion about this?

Hablo un poco español y francés, y soy de Inglaterra. Me gustaría hablar contigo en la cultura de los reinos unidos y la salud mental.

I would say you're wrong for blowing up, in your words.

It's frustrating for you, but that isn't an excuse to take it out on her. There's a multitude of ways to handle it that can result in a more productive conversation.