Same, was here since NAKD - feels like a pipe Dream

Still Down 97% lmao, i dont think i will ever be in green on this one

Amager Brughus Taproom Bryggen, 13-15 beers, they rotate often, chill people and boardgames aswell.

Hades 2 went early access on steam about some hours ago! Apparently it has a lot of content and are just as good as 1.

The Genius Annotation explains it pretty well i think.

The annotation

Can you explain further? Does this “illusion” have a name?

Vinge has its own S-train station.

Thanks man, they look really nice, will see if i can get some in Denmark

Dope fit btw

I Got these new MX and the old sand colored ones… the new MX have a really ugly wide toe area i think, the old ones are more narrow and pointy.

Im unsure if i will return the MX or not, the new toe area really dont seem right to me sadly

Traded about $65 worth from my stake earnings, cant wait to see where this Can be going

I see what you are saying, and it might be right that i reached too far, taking that into content.

Its just where my mind went when i heard the “disses” + the beat/sample. It might be “the dumbest reach😭” and thats fine, but its still where my mind went when i heard it.

Its a great track, and more in so that it Can bring up a little discussion other than just “its lit fam!”.

Sure it might be the dumbest reach, and you are 100% correct in what you are saying about the genre, with self referals.

I comments what i did exactly of that, its a genre where the artists go for eachother in many ways, and when its a verse with “disses” , why cant the beat/sample-flip in it self also not be a diss?

(English is not my tongue, but i hope it makes sense?)

Maybe also a shot for Ye? The sample is the same as Ye/The Game - Eazy

Just too bad Violent Crimes was all ghost written by Pardison, except like two lines. Still an incredible track tho!

How come? Can you help me understand the design?

Would love these if they didnt point up as much as they do.

The view from top is incredible tho!

I use the DJI Osmo Action 4, im very happy with it. Had it with me while sailing, bikepacking, diving, and latest hiking Kilimanjaro.

I have not once had any issue with it for the 6 months ish i have owned it.

Got it with the adventure pack, which adds a bstterycase/charger that also Can be used as a powerbank for other things.

The magnetic mounting system is awesome! Makes it hasslefree to change position/mounting of the camera.

Many 350 have boring colors tho, these really arent lacking any vision if you look at the whole colorway lineup

Finally got back to TF2 after years of not playing, is the ping usually this bad (200)? Or have i just been unlucky today and lucky yesterday?

Hvad tager du for sådan en pakke?

Im a Laravel/vueJs dev for the most part, im using Inertia to glue the front- and backend together. For styling i usually go with Tailwind these days, its fast and everyone on the team knows whats going on.

The stack is good and stable, im happy with it - i tried some react and nodejs for some time, but it just didnt sit right with me… Laravel and VueJs is my bread and butter