Deep breaths, it'll be fine. There's a very good reason flight schools pay the insurance rates they do.

Don't relive the incident with could've, would've and should've, use it to learn, research techniques for handling turbulent crosswind conditions. I took my training at an airfield 30 miles from the eastern slopes of the rockies and if we had a 8 kt restriction nothing would've ever got done there. With that in mind my personal record was 3 go arounds on a hot windy day, lots of mechanical turbulence and a very light aircraft.

Things you can do to make it easier on windy days... fly with full fuel, see if there's some ballast you can secure in the instructors seat, and don't worry about what others think, if it takes 10 go arounds then that's what it takes.

too much traffic and photo radar

gieco has seen a thing or two! But seriously, it's an act of dog.

You made one mistake, Russia is technically a kleptocracy. It's basically Russian mafia from top to bottom running the place.

It wasn't me, but a project manager for a non-governmental regulatory agency was billing for just under 300K.

Last I heard he's a gelato store owner in a small town.

My cat was chased inside by magpies, they have fledglings on the ground and the crow chicks are probably next.

The cat is a mess and the noise is wild, but it's all the way it's supposed to be.

I'd guess a weather adjustment. A flight from KDEN at about the same time never did go above FL230 and made a diversion southbound.

You throw all the anchors out BEFORE the mains touch down - see "catching the first wire"

The same people that insist it's far better to bury power transmission lines.

If we're not using those pipes for water can we use them for oil, just for a while? UCP maybe...

This has changed since the Harper government, they gave jurisdiction to the provinces and municipalities, this is why you see laws like "you must pull your boat out overnight on this lake" and "no houseboats in these waters" etc. So the poster in this case received good advice, call police and have them enforce local law, the feds are no longer involved unless it's a pollution, water use (hydro project or international agreement), or inter-jurisdictional navigation issue.

I'd bet they are closer to 5 years, current US refineries won't modify for dilbit or WCS feedstock when there's so much Bakken, WTI and foreign supplies that they are already refining. They've already been asking for better prepared product in the TMX pipelines. Why would they change now? China may pick up some, but they're much closer to Russia politically and geographically.

I suspect it may be the same or related Napoleon that established a wagon stop near Innisfail, now there's a Napoleon lake there.

IKR all those drinks without water in them. It's just going to get worse!

Gold star for spelling, grammar and punctuation!

Do they not realize all the seals are on the coast with the fish?