Best way to secure action-backed carpet to rubber floor without damage?carpentry

At work we're temporarily installing carpet (action-backed) directly to a rubber floor for an event. We are tenants in the space and cannot damage the floor. Can anyone recommend a good adhesive to use for this purpose? I think we'll need spray adhesive but I'm struggling to find any that's ok to use to directly attach action-backed carpet to a floor (rather than to underlay).

Would appreciate any tips.

Thank you!

Any recommendations for theme parks / attractions that are easily accessible?

It's my sister's birthday soon and she's always loved the idea of abandoned theme parks or similar abandoned locations. I was hoping to take her to a place like this in the UK that's fairly easily accessible for people who have never done urbex (but who are otherwise qite adventurous!). Would be so grateful for any recs. Thanks!

thank you! I'm in the UK though so i think purchasing from Focusrite might not be the best option, if shipping is from the US then I may get one on eBay on auction, from the UK

Upgrading from Focusrite 2i2 - any models to avoid?

I've had a 2i2 for the past 6 years and it's served me well, but I'll be selling it so I can get an interface with more inputs. However, I've noticed that on ebay the 8i6 is priced relatively low - only just more than the 2i2, and in some cases less than a 4i4. This made me wonder if there were any issues with the 8i6, or if there is more to it than simply more inputs/outputs = good?

I ideally need a 4i4 but there aren't many of them on eBay at the moment and I was wondering whether an 8i6 would do the trick, but first want to investigate if anyone's had issues with it..

Many thanks in advance!

thank you so much -this is exactly what I needed to read and I think I will be coming back to your comment often. Also your advice made me realise that previously when I was preparing for a gig, I worked on everything EXCEPT the quality of the vocal performance. I memorised lyrics, memorised how to play the other instruments, practised just singing through from start to finish but not fixing the pitch issues by much. Will definitely not allow myself to fall into that trap again.

my pitch is so bad when i sing live and i feel like a terrible singer. Need hope and inspiration!Advice Wanted - Looking to improve.

About 5 years ago, I started recording music in my bedroom after briefly playing keys and doing backing vocals in a band. I had a local contact who encouraged me to play live, which I did. Since then, I've released two albums and performed live (solo) about 7 times in total. My voice sounds good on recordings, but I think that's because I usually comp lots of vocal takes together and edit meticulously to make it sound good. But every time I sing in front of others, my vocal performance has been really poor, mainly because I sing really badly off pitch and am generally not very confident. When I'm practising alone, my pitching sounds OK but not excellent either.

My ability to write songs far outweighs my ability to perform them. At the same time, other work I've tried was soul-destroying and draining. I really want to make a living out of music but it's a real struggle because of my singing/performing ability.

Really need some inspirational stories, positive reinforcement, or even advice. I feel really lost.

I can't bear to sound like shit when singing in front of an audience again!

thank you this is helpful! guess i'm really out of the loop haha

IF:MK are currently seeking volunteers! It's a biannual local festival, so the next one won't be until 2025. Look on their website and there is a sign-up form. There is also a volunteer-only party at the end of the festival, with the Stables team.

Releasing music video after album release date?

I know it's recommended to release a music video in advance of an album, but does it make much difference if you do it after an album is released? There's a videographer I'm really keen to work with on the shoot but they're not available until the month of the release, so it would work out better for me to film and release the video later.

Would appreciate people's thoughts and advice - thanks! :)

EDIT - Thanks a lot to everyone who replied.

hey sorry for the late reply, no unfortunately i'm still uncertain.. But based on the comments here, looks like it might be best to register for a PRO regardless.. Even though it'll cost me £100 here in the UK.. eek!

ah thanks for your input.. sounds like the option of registering with a PRO is the right one. Though I'm still uncertain!

hey thank you for the reply, but apparently it's not worth me joining a PRO yet (PRS has a tool to calculate whether it;s worth joining and it tells me I'm not at that stage yet). . Is there still a way to claim naming rights without registering with a PRO?

Is there finally a way round the "real name" requirement for songwriters distributing to streaming platforms?

There have been a few threads about streaming services requiring artists to submit their legal names for songwriter credits (herefor example). Someone's posted a workaround here:

"After you have submitted your song, you should see a way to edit the credits of your song. You can even do this long after a song has been published. Go into the credits and add an Executive Producer- or some other field and put your Artist name. Then delete your songwriter name."

Wondering what people's thoughts are on this? Would this get in the way of royalty collection, or not necessarily? I'm due to be releasing something very soon and really don't want to use my legal name, so thinking about following the above advice..

Preamp instead of DI box for a keyboard?

Can I use a preamp instead of DI box if I want to reduce hum when playing live (when plugging in my keyboard further from the mixer)? The chain would be keyboard --> audio interface & laptop--> (preamp?) --> mixer, and SP404 sampler --> (preamp?) --> mixer. Context: a friend's organising a DIY gig that I'm playing at, the venue barely has any equipment so I'm trying to plan ahead, a preamp is available (unsure of the make / model) but I'm struggling to find out whether this is a good substitue for DIs? Would appreciate any advice and thanks in advance.

Thanks for this and apologies for commenting on an old thread - but I'm wondering why it's not possible to use a phono to XLR cable to connect the SP directly to a mixer? What would happen if you did? I'm probably missing some basic physics / audio engineering knowledge here...

yeah, didn't know what to call them sorry for confusion. Those metal strips don't seem to be on every RCA cable , so not sure if a different sort of adapter is needed. i've put a photo on the post

I'm afraid I don't understand - where do I do this?

The point is that a regular one (which I already have) doesn't fit because that guard is in the way.. I'll take a photo and update the post

Featured image and excerpt not showing on Custom Post TypeHelp Request

I have set up a custom post type on my Wordpress site using CPT UI, and want my posts to show Excerpt and Featured Image features. These are showing when I edit, but not when I publish (See screenshot).

I made sure to add featured image and excerpt functionality when setting up the custom post type (again, see screenshot), but this hasn't worked. I can see that next to the checkboxes it says "Featured images and Post Formats need theme support added, to be used." I've tried following the links and tried adding the code using Insert PHP Code Snippet but this hasn't worked. I'm not confident enough to edit the actual functions.php file of the site, the person who set up the site previously created custom post types and enabled featured image and excerpt, which are showing successfully - but I have no idea how they did it and can't ask them!

Any help would be greatly appreciated. If there's no way of achieveing this without editing functions.php file then I will do this - would appreciate if anyone can share any introductory articles to help me do so without crashing the website!!... Thank you in advance.


featured image and excerpt in editor

Dual RCA to 1/4" cable adapter

I need a RCA to 1/4" adapter, but my RCA cable has these metal "jackets" around them (see photo) and i don't know if a normal adapter will work as the jacket gets in the way. Nothing I can find on eBay or Amazon gives specs on this, I've tried messaging suppliers but so far no answers..

Links to adapters i've found:

standard adapter doesn't fit


Any ideas what will work? Thanks :)

Thanks this is very helpful. This option does seem a bit too complicated now, especially as this is my first proper release so I'd rather keep things simple. For example what would be the benefit of releasing the singles via CD Baby later, if I could just do it now? As in, I would presumably still need to release the singles with different album artwork if going through CD Baby, whether I do it now or later... Or would something change if the singles have already been released?

I'll probably "move to one source of truth" sooner rather than later !