Isn't faith about... ya know... faith? Not about there being an objectively correct religion?

What would you consider crude personally?

And vice versa for that matter.

And yet she is incredibly popular in... certain art forms. More so than Daphne, it seems.

Fight it. Run from it. The male gaze arrives all the same.

When it comes to urban fantasy series I enjoy different ones for different things. Dresden is kind of the jack of all trades series for me and my favorite overall but I think Iron Druid is amazing for its glimpses into gods specifically and did a lot to get me interested in the Irish pantheon.

Alex Verus I am currently reading and really like that it is focusing more on mage society with less focus on gods and creatures which is different from most series.

Probably strong enough for Ares to get one of those, "Your child will surpass you," prophecies and kill it at birth.

Probably? Everyone at my store just talked about it being the Taco Bell CEO being the new CEO so depending on if those happened at the same time then yeah. I wasn't even aware there was a buyout, just the CEO switch but things got markedly worse from that point on.

On the one hand I know for a fact my trauma caused my kinks. But on the other I like my kinks and find them fun so like... I don't really wanna change them?

Well Chipotle did used to actually give a shit about their employees. They don't anymore. I quit shortly after all the anti-employee changes started happening and I'm sure they've only gotten worse over time. Needs to be taken as an object lesson of how much better things are when employees are treated as people rather than cogs but I don't expect them to learn the lesson since the executives are not suffering any consequences from it.

Kinda doubting they'd have any interest in being his friend based on this.

I feel like given the results you're morally obligated to make Joker, Yukiko and Naoto either all three dating or the other two both dating Naoto at the same time

I wouldn't but if you're a voice actor I think it's a great opportunity. You know your character voices better than anyone else would, after all. I know of a few authors who do it (Mary Robinette Kowal, Natalie Haynes, Neil Gaiman on some of his books) so not like there's no precedent.

I genuinely don't remember what he said, just the yelling and violence. I was only six at the time so my memory tends to be a little fragmented honestly.

I can't speak for all INTJs but I'm squarely in the middle personally.

My dad beat me with a branch as thick as a baseball bat that he ripped off the tree in our yard because I was sad about coming home from my grandparents' house. Any guesses why I was sad to be coming home?

The answer is always gonna be about your preference but I personally advocate against it. If you lose it there is no way to recover. I had written about 200 pages of a novel on paper in 7th grade which got ruined when I had it in my backpack for school and it got soaked in a downpour of rain. Obviously nothing I wrote then would have been great but it still sucked to lose and caused me to stop writing for like 6 months.

Truly, people like you have changed the way I view Christians (and religious people in general to be fair.) I used to very strongly believe the idea of all religious people being awful because that was my experience with them but I now usually at least remember that you aren't all like that. Not saying everyone you interact with will change their views but I'm sure you've had a positive impact on at least some.

Enjoying his life finally.

Ha. Only really about Scotland. I only really know about the others due to how they relate to Scotland. Special interest and all that.

I know this is the jerking subreddit, but this attitude is explicitly why I decided to give my setting modern guns but still make wizards stronger. It's always kind of baffled me why people assume guns would destroy wizards when magical shields are one of the most common early level spells in RPGs? Why would you assume a gun would be able to pierce it if nothing else can?

I suppose it is just different power fantasies for different people though. For me the hard work and training implicit in becoming a wizard is part of the power fantasy while for some just being able to pick up a tool and decimate all that is part of theirs.

England was at one point and Cornwall in SW England still is considered Celtic. Scotland is still considered one of the "main" Celtic countries, Isle of Mann as well. Bretony in NW France is still considered Celtic but I have very little knowledge of the culture there so not sure if that's accurate culturally or just linguistically. And then if you go pre-Roman most of Western Europe was Celtic at one point, even Spain.