
Both shilling the same whereā€™s Waldo, clown shirt today from Walmart. Sarahknuth and dressupbuttercup

Correct, you normally turn 11 in 5th grade.

Iā€™m not saying itā€™s bad. I just never realized it. But May is not typical to hold kids back. Normally August, Maybe July babies.

Itā€™s not normal to hold back a May baby. August baby yes.


Did anyone else catch that Roman her oldest is going to be 12, yet heā€™s ending 5th, so he would be turning 11. NOTHING at all against it, I just never realized she held him back.

Mine too, but I donā€™t recall her mentioning that-not that she has too, but she shares everything.

The tarte video they just posted is TERRIBLE none of them lip synced well at all


Sorry may have been discussed yesterday, but did we miss a birth announcement from @dressupbuttercup? Thereā€™s 4 birthstones and she only has 3 kiddos.

She looks terrible. Thats not what you wear to a business lunch

Same! Just watched it the other night and thatā€™s all I could think of

It seems like Hollie does more work for thepost, at least in posting more product on her stories each time.

I have no desire to vote, but makes me want to vote for Hollie over her, just for this comment

You obviously have never run a business where people want everything for free šŸ™„ in exchange for ā€œfree advertisingā€ artists should šŸ’Æ be paid and told who they are. Youā€™re a terrible person for thinking TH shouldā€™ve even offered that.


I find it sad that she only tags Dede and Ted instead of the two actual creators of this brand. @holliewoodwrd. Dede takes all the credit for it and doesnā€™t give anything to the original creators.

Is she pregnant? Or that dress that unflattering?

Itā€™s because she didnā€™t upgrade to husband and child status like the rest

She turned 32. I honestly thought she was older, she looks older.

I canā€™t believe she wore that hideous jacket. Itā€™s garbage. Not cute at all.

No I meant Sarah, not Indy. I shouldā€™ve zoomed in