Thanks for the quick response and reading material. I really appreciate the growth opportunity.

So basically storing a row from a relational database (also called a tuple/record) in a related immutable data structure in your program to create a data model? That’s where my brain went at least.

It would seemingly allow for a singular query where much of the logic is done by the database. Then it all gets stored in an immutable records. Maybe even a map to easily retrieve these records? I don’t know what problem im solving here, but I’m curious.

Patches. I see them on my old army bag. I carry my meditation cushions in it on trips. Sorta full circle for me..

Well.. unless you’re like me and the entire IT department is resolved and you’re the only one left. In charge of three subsidiaries entire IT environment.. and half of the purchasing companies.. outliers and all that.

Makes it really hard to get entry and mid level roles after that. People toss my resume out for jr roles now. Which is why I’ve had to switched to software development.

Technology must be your passion if you wish to someday be an expert or innovator. You must be tenacious and constantly experimenting, fucking up, and learning.

Go work for an ISP for a few years 3-5, then move on to a low level position at IBM, Microsoft or some other major player. Realize how little you know. Then, pursue greater learning, Climb the ranks until you have no advancement opportunity because you’ve reached your skill ceiling. Never stop being curious and learning even if you land the “dream job.” Idk, something like that.

Math. I imagine a mathematician, astronomer and an engineer could realistically solve the precise aiming problem in a week. Seems as though if you had a grid of mirrors aimed precisely by being attached to the structure at the correct angle (already aimed) then you could plan for the for the precise time of day (for that time of year) and distance of the focal point. You could drive that bitch up and fry the enemies entire camp.

Sun tzu that shit and capitalize on the confusion and chaos. By having your cavalry swoop in wrecking shit.

Also I’m speaking out of my ass as there is no way I could break that down problem down into its individual problems and do the calculations.

Hey, that’s what insurance is for. Hopefully you can replace it for a reasonable cost. Never let the dream die!

Met a family of 5 in Death Valley that lives full time out of a flat bed diesel truck with a truck bed camper strapped on the back. Then they pull a travel trailer behind. The wife worked remote. It can be done.

I got a case so I could sticker bomb.. I know, I know. I’m a web dev and only ever have slight heat throttling. But that’s only with about 30 chrome tabs, photoshop and illustrator open, AND running my dev environment. I prefer it with a case.

Thanks for the suggestion! It’s really just her food, booties and water. It’d be nice to offload some Nalgene bottles to her.. but ultimately I think it’d inflame her arthritis. She’s quite athletic (up to 15 miles including elevation) but she is turning 8 and I don’t know if it’s worth risking injury giving her a weighted pack 🤷🏼‍♂️.

I mean.. they are good UL setups? Honestly looks like through hiker setups.

I have nothing to really critique here. I have a few more luxury items and have to carry my dogs supplies.. sooo I really get UL gear to keep me at 35-40lbs.

Depends what you’re after. But congrats on having nice gear.

Second this. A “dog bone” and paracord would be plenty.

I’ve blown my tires on the trail a couple times. I just throw the spare on, and throw the blown tire on top of my rack/rtt. It’s always been a “sun is going down and I need to get the spare on so I can make it to camp for the night” situation. Once I blow a tire that really ends my off roading for the weekend. It’s a slow crawl back to the trail head without cell service or emergency beacons.

I’ve tried them both. I prefer the pocket rocket with a titanium 1l pot. The pocket rocket allows me to cook small meals in the back country because it can be turned down to simmer. The versatility and lightweight nature is a win-win.

Warming my hands on the backpacking stove while the water heats up. Then a couple breaths of the steam on your face, cozy in your puffer. Then eating that Peak sweet pork and rice? Those are core memories for me.

Mountain house chicken and dumplings might have been the biggest morale boost I’ve ever gotten on trail. Got stuck camping in a little cave thing up on a mountain because it was getting dark. Man that turned my night around.

Ahh my favorite part of overlanding, organizing.

I have decked drawers that hold my kitchen supplies, hot tap, etc. but, I still use the same system in the bed as the first 20 trips with my dog.

Backseat is her space, and has her steps on the floor, and her food container on the other side. All her stuff (leashes, hiking booties, layers, toys, etc.) goes in the back door panels or pockets. I always know where to find it.

In the bed of my truck I have my cooler, ladder, 6 gallon water jug from Walmart, and 3 husky tubs from Home Depot. The tubs are divided into pantry, closet and backpacking gear.

It’s beautiful. And never be afraid of simplicity. I wish my boss would let me get away with simpler, modern designs. As others have said. A splash of color goes a long way. One main color with a shade darker and lighter for effects can really sell it.

This is the way. You spend hours getting it just right. You’re proud of what you’ve created. You are excited to put it on your portfolio…

Then your boss comes by and tells you to scrap it and use a photo taken with the clients iPhone.

Start at that corner 1 and it’ll open just fine.