I loved this movie as a kid. I can still sing Iago's song… “That’s it! I’ve had it! I hate to be dramatic, but it’s time for me to fly the coop!”

Remember how he also had a big part in the love song! My friend and I choreographed a whole dance to that song. “Forget about that guy! Forget about the way you fell into his eyes…”

Partassipant [1]

Everyone is here saying YTA, but I don’t think so.

I had acne as a teen, and I remember my beautiful friend had one zit and complained about it nonstop. 

I have medical problems myself, and I am on disability due to pain. I don’t like when able-bodied people complain to me about the same issues I have. 

My cats were sworn enemies for 2 straight months. Now, they are roommates that dislike each other.

If you can’t make him stop, get a treat jar and fill it with a really delicious large kibble cat food. Then the treats will just be cat food. Or get a vitamin tray (the kind with days of the week, you can get them at CVS or rite aid) and fill them with the days treats. Ask him to only give that many?

Partassipant [1]

YTA - you just moved in!!! Right now your hobby should be establishing some rapport with your neighbors. BBQ next summer my friend.

Partassipant [1]

Everyone is the A here. Girlfriend for deflecting, but also you because she was doing you a favor by holding them. 

I once borrowed and broke a friend’s camera, - and I gave her cash to cover the cost of a new one.

But if she had asked me to hold it, and it broke - I wouldn’t have thought to give her money.

Does that make sense?

My cat does this too, so we got him his own fuzzy blanket (he likes the faux fur blankets best). And he comforts himself every night with that thing.

Some say it happens to cats that were weaned too soon from their mother. My cat was not taken too soon, so it might just be a normal behavior.

I think of translucent amber, a loaf of bread, honey oak wood, and mid century modern. 

Call a few different salons around your college, and tell them your situation. You don’t need a blowout, just a wash, maybe they can set up a special deal with you, where you stop by and get a quick wash twice a week.

Come on now, why are you even asking. This is a simple fix.

“ Hi! We appreciate the offer to visit, but we think daughter will be very tired, and we won’t be accepting any visitors. We would love if the girls were encouraged to make cards. If you drop them off at my house, I will sure that daughter gets them in the hospital!”

Then husband can take take pics of them and send them to you to show her.

Partassipant [1]

NTA for being oblivious, but YTA once you realized it would be helpful for Callie because really, how hard is it to give a kid a stuffy?

Hi, I worked at a daycare center. It depends how many employees they have.

We put the a movie on for about 30 minutes during drop off, kids would come in, find a seat, and all be accounted for (there might be one teacher per 12 (?- there is a legal number) kids at this time of day) and it gave that teacher a chance to talk to parents, etc.

Then, at the end of the day, as soon as there were only 12(?) kids, one teacher was left to man the ship. They would put a movie on for the last 30 minutes to corral the kids, clean everything, interact with parents.

 I was judgmental until I worked for a few days, and I went from thinking it was terrible, to realizing that it helped me be a better “teacher” because it gave me a minute of thinking space, instead of panicking and constant interruptions.

Kids constantly need help with things- they fight, they fall, they get frustrated. 30 minutes to focus on making sure every kid was accounted for was amazing and I’m glad my center let us do this.

Put scratching posts where the cat would scratch. If she scratches the side of the couch - put a post there - she’ll choose the post over the couch. Do this wherever she scratches.

My best friend is that exact story. Dropped out, raised the child, but now the child is grown, and she is a doctor.   While my other friends are raising their babies now, she is done - and able to fully focus on her career. And she is doing VERY WELL.

Play Dough costs about a dollar a can. Replace it🥲

Partassipant [1]

NTA, you can learn about religion, as it’s his interest!

Sorry this happened; and now immediately order some night lights. You have ground dwelling animals. You can’t be walking around in the dark anymore.

I worked at a daycare center, and I could get 20 kids to fall asleep. 

 1) We used a music playlist that didn’t change. They’ll slowly get used to the patterns in the music and focus on it as they fall asleep. We listened to Nicolette Larson’s “Sleep Baby Sleep” album and slow as molasses deep voiced positive message country songs. The same ones in the same order, every day.  

 2) We walked around and patted/rubbed backs. I’d say each kid had about 2 minutes? This part was amazing, because it was like having a magic sleep wand. Each toddler would fall asleep, and you would move on to the next one! 

Please note that these only sometimes worked on my own daughter!!! I think being in a group setting helps. 

Hi, I had the almost exact same decision to make last year with my 16 year old cat. 

We went with draining (to take her home so my daughter could say goodbye), and then euthanizing a few days later.

Those few days were progressively harder for my little cat. He was in pain by the third day, and I wished we had euthanized sooner.

As a cancer survivor, I have had pleural effusions myself, and it feels like not being able to catch a breath. I knew what my cat was feeling.

Your cat was suffering, and you did the right thing!!! 

Partassipant [1]

YTA- not for the bralessness (I “support” bralessness) but YTA because your mom is letting you stay with her, and she wants to present a certain level of decorum in her own house. 

You don’t have to get dressy, but also, you don’t have to live there.

This is exactly what I thought.

 When a student has an IEP, any behavior could be thrown back at me, and would clearly be my fault, and then some clause would be added to the IEP or a 504 about that behavior - “may not have access to pencils,” “must be escorted to the playground every day,” putting more daily work on me due to an event that was unlikely to happen a second time.

I definitely downplayed behaviors if I thought they wouldn’t happen again.

If it was a recurring problem, I would tell the parents, so that we could work together to fix it and add supportive measures!

So it’s a good sign these are downplayed, it means your child is generally not doing these things, but just has some off days.

Oh my goodness, absolutely the right decision. Your cat was in pain, and you were able to have her last moments be painless with medication and peaceful. If you had brought her home, she would have suffered the whole time, and for what? You put her needs (less suffering) before your own (more suffering because you didn’t have that extra day), and that makes you the best owner she could have had. 

 Weekdays have built in rules - like, get up because you have school, and come home earlier because you have school tomorrow. Weekends are harder to enforce for ANYONE!!! 

Maybe his Dad didn’t care, but if you make it good, like try ordering (or cooking - whatever your family does!)  his favorite food for dinner to get him in the routine of eating with you all because he knows it’ll be GOOD!

I don’t have advice for the other ones  except get on Dad about enforcing those rules!!! 

Whenever it “stops working” for me. I’ve had so many versions - corner, igloo, sifting (the worst), robotic, etc. and none are perfect. Haven’t tried stainless steel though!