Biden is far from the best candidate but he didn’t rape a 13 year old, get convicted of felonies, not return classified documents when asked to multiple times, attempt to overthrow an election, want to take electric cars off the road, want to be a dictator (in his own words) so a lot of people see a vote for Trump as a vote for the end of democracy. Esp. with one candidate clearing saying he will look for retribution for being held accountable for his crimes and wanting to be a dictator. I’m white, male, upper middle class with a strong retirement portfolio (although as they say 401k performs better with Dems) so I’ll be ok even if the country were to elect Trump but he is far worse than Biden if you care about American ideals.

Not all drivers of large trucks are Trump Supporters but all Trump Supporters drive large trucks so it is an educated guess, esp. when they are being aggressive to an electric car. Trump hates electric cars and his supporters cheer when he talks about eliminating electric cars so….

Looks like the video got pulled. Wonder if it released too soon.

Plus now we know he raped a 13 year old girl. Independents will not vote for him when it comes down to it and he needs 2/3 of them to win. Watching a video today and the guy said ignore polls until after both conventions. Even then I won’t worry because Trump is a loser. Only way he could win was because Clinton was just too messy with the whole Comey thing, that isn’t happening this time. More likely more shit comes up for Trump.

No, they think their Orange Dictator will cheer them on and they will be applauded by their other high school dropouts at the next dipsh.. rally and so act like the grade level they graduated from is their IQ.

I’d like to make a complaint about my local grocery store not having the lights on at night. This is frankly unacceptable and putting a lot of people in danger!!
If the mods remove this comment it proves they are working for the grocery store mafia and my issues are real and valid!

I’m 45. I was stressed and then I took a step back and looked at reality. Not polls, reality. Americans will not fail us, Trump will not win. The youth of America is overwhelmingly progressive. A short term power grab in a country with 50 states is not the same as what happened in other countries.
This is a marathon not a sprint and the Republicans are playing this all wrong. Muscovy false news is trying to make it seem like all hope is lost so we won’t vote. We will prevail, America will survive a bit longer (in 6 billion years humanity on Earth if still around is f’ed) and hope is not lost. The “news” media wants a Trump fight because it adds to their ad revenue, they don’t care about the country, never have. Ignore the bullshit and look at reality. Trump is a liar, a convicted felon, a fraudster, a failed businessman and a cult leader. What happens to all cult leaders? They die and their cult implodes. Look at every election since 2016 and MAGA has vastly underperformed based on polling. The vast majority of this country doesn’t take polls, you know who does, MAGA. They live for polls showing their leader is the best leader and they will prevail over decency and compassion. Relax, ignore YouTube and “news” and in four months vote this shit head back to the swampland that is America, Florida.

Plus GFN has to then select them. For example, Crime Boss Rockay City has opted in but GFN has not brought it to the service.

He will not win. I am 45, live in a purple state in Maine with a very high median age (oldest in the country). The polls are not accurate and the media wants to make this interesting to draw eyeballs. Ignore all polls and realize the American people aren’t stupid enough to elect him again. Most of the younger generation fully supports Biden and Boomers are dying off every day. Definitely vote but don’t panic, that’s what Muscovy wants. They want us to lose faith and not vote so their piss pal can win.

That’s the biggest one. Trump, if elected, can assassinate his opposition and if the Supreme Court rules it was legal, it was legal. A Supreme Court that just gave ultimate power. This does apply to all Presidents but still requires the Supreme Court to review and as they are fully supportive of the destruction of our Republic they will only allow lawlessness from Republicans. King Trump will begin his reign on January 21, 2025.

Well, technically no, it would come back to them to decide. If only three people are left and they know which way to rule however…….

In their hearings to be appointed they all lied under oath about what they considered to be settled when they ruled against Roe so don’t see why they couldn’t be removed for lying under oath. Then it is 3-2 Democrats who then decide that was official business.

As others have said the SCOTUS will decide so any Democrat would be declared against the law, any Republican would definitely be ruled as legal.

I don’t think you guys understand. Jim Bob in Nebraska who married his sister is mad at Biden cause the price of gas went up for a few months around the whole world. Trump will fix all that so screw the rest of the world!

Trump even said he would be a dictator if elected. He is a threat to our democracy. When asked to confirm he was joking he didn’t, he doubled down on it. He is an enemy of the state.

That one happened after he was no longer President. He refused to return the documents as a private citizen so that one can still move forward…. If there wasn’t a corrupt judge in Florida. Hope the current President doesn’t send Seal Team 6 to her house for supporting treasonous activities……. I know, Democrats wouldn’t but we all know Trump will.

I’m 45 and have been waiting for them to just fight, fighting dirty is a pipe dream.

It’s very pricey to live here now so anyone posting a question on living needs to know finding a place can be tough. I live in Westbrook which is 10 minutes from downtown Portland and like it.
If you want to live downtown hopefully you have a lot of money.
I lived in Massachusetts for a couple years but grew up 40 minutes north of here but love this area. No place feels like home or as comfortable as this place. No IKEA or Cheesecake Factory so not perfect.

Well said, you are the Shakespeare of our generation!

The sun is shining but it’s 150 degrees outside, thanks Obama /s, this is the time of year I play inside, well also Spring cause it rains a lot and then the Fall cause it starts to get dark early and then there is Winter when it is cold…