A collection of all of my Hobby Drama posts

In chronological order:


Source: Attributed to Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, Survivors (1868)


Hi /u/TurnipTate,

Unfortunately your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

  • Rule 1: Details must be obscure, relevant, and intentional. Not blatantly obvious observations, but obscure enough that people could have missed it, or they noticed it but the significance didn’t click.

If you feel this was removed in error or are unsure about why this was removed then please read our full rules wiki page if you are still unsure after reading that please modmail.


Hi /u/ValuableShit,

Unfortunately your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

  • Rule 5: Explain your post. Please add an explanation to your post in the title, or add a comment and put "(explanation in comments)" in your title..

If you feel this was removed in error or are unsure about why this was removed then please read our full rules wiki page if you are still unsure after reading that please modmail.

Writing about bizarre/obscure hobbies is *my* hobby

Because some things are not hobbies. Topics such as politics, news, accounting, law, plumbing, etcetera, are not hobbies and are off-topic. Every topic on earth has a number of bloggers/writers who love writing about it, but even if the writing itself is a hobby, the topic they cover is not. Unless the subject of the writeup is the blogging itself and the difficulties of it.

Mods reserve the right to make exceptions for particularly bizarre or niche write-ups.

This has been part of the sidebar since the beginning. There have been some niche writeups that we have approved.

Writing about bizarre/obscure hobbies is *my* hobby

Rule 9 directs us to other subreddits for posts "which are not about a hobby" but you've just redefined what a hobby is to include fandom. So it seems to me that youtube/twitch/tiktok/etc. drama should now be allowed, as long as there is a fandom involved. Was this your intention?

A certain amount of Youtuber drama is permitted if it's clearly something that directly concerns the process of content creation and consumption. But a lot of youtuber drama is so petty and minor that it doesn't really fit the subreddit, it is basically an "and then everyone was mad" situation. (That's why r/livestreamfails exists and we allow youtuber drama in scuffles). We've allowed hobby orientated youtube drama for a long time. But we've allowed vtubing posts for a while, so I guess that Youtuber/twitch drama with substance would be allowed.

The wording is better, but I don't think this really addresses the problem I'm talking about. Why is being a fan of a twitch streamer a "general interest" while being a fan of a cartoon is a "hobby"? The substance of the activity is essentially the same. How does being a fan of a traditional media celebrity, like a movie star or whatever, fit into this? What is a "general interest" anyway?

See above for the youtuber point. Applies to twitch as well. And celebrity drama. "General interest" is basically popular in the general public. E.g. such as someone being famous for the sake of being famous. Gossip subs such as r/fauxmoi is an example.


Hi koulnis, thanks for your submission to /r/MovieDetails. Unfortunately, it's been removed for the following reason(s):

  • Rule 1 - Must be detail. Not blatantly obvious observations, but obscure enough that people could have missed it, or they noticed it but the significance didn’t click.

If you feel this was removed in error please read our expanded rules from our wiki page and message the moderators if you are still unsure.


Hi PsychiaTristan_616, thanks for your submission to /r/MovieDetails. Unfortunately, it's been removed for the following reason(s):

If you feel this was removed in error please read our expanded rules from our wiki page and message the moderators if you are still unsure.

Writing about bizarre/obscure hobbies is *my* hobby

Ah I pasted the wrong section. This is the new one:

Most drama in professional settings, such as jobs or academia, are not hobbies. E.g. Accounting, law, general education, politics, the news, or more general interests, such as following a social media account, or being internet famous. Mods reserve the right to make exceptions for particularly bizarre or niche write-ups.

This is the new section. lemme fix my sticky comments. I was copying and pasting and rewriting a lot today. So I likely got the wires crossed.

Jobs are not hobbies, but general topics are, (e.g. science, coding etc). Writeups about politics, academia (e.g. "there was drama in my school because of the administration"), and jobs (unless there's something like drama in a national welding or accounting tournament, see the niche exception) don't fit the subreddit. Now if there's a hobbydrama involving professionals, the user can use the hobby history flair.

As for youtuber drama, unless they're specifically hobby orientated channels, there is already a dedicated subreddit for it, r/youtubedrama.


Hi Alisalard1384, thanks for your submission to /r/MovieDetails. Unfortunately, it's been removed for the following reason(s):

  • Rule 9 - No common reposts, recent reposts or top reposts.

  • Your post is a Top repost.

If you feel this was removed in error please read our expanded rules from our wiki page and message the moderators if you are still unsure.

Writing about bizarre/obscure hobbies is *my* hobby



Hi ancient_mariner63, thanks for your submission to /r/MovieDetails. Unfortunately, it's been removed for the following reason(s):

  • Rule 8 - Movie mistakes, special effects, minor roles of famous actors, behind the scenes clips and images, script details, and production trivia are not allowed here. See the sidebar for more appropriate subreddits.


If you feel this was removed in error please read our expanded rules from our wiki page and message the moderators if you are still unsure.

Writing about bizarre/obscure hobbies is *my* hobby

yes, they do fit, but they would have to be flaired as hobby history. I have reflaired that one.