No tea but I came here to say how much I love her ❤️❤️

I would never date someone who doesn’t like me again. I was in love with two men that hated my guts and it destroyed me

I’m in engaged to someone I found physically attractive from the first moment I saw him :) but yes, people need to care less of social media beauty standards

You do you. I wouldn’t date someone I don’t find physically attractive.

Physical attraction is what separates platonic friendships from romantic relationships

Yes. I quit my job so that could stay in another country for 3 months

Wow. And here I thought that there’s nothing but hot weather in Australia ! Stay warm !

What did your parents do after your sister got punched ?

Carlee russell didn’t achieve as much media attention as Madeleine. If it wasn’t for Reddit, I wouldn’t even know who this woman is

NTA. He is 40? His comments make him sound like an immature teenager

Do you research places before you go? I can’t imagine travelling to Arab countries and then Complaining that they don’t offer any bacon

YTA. She needs a boyfriend who doesn’t make her pay rent