Lightbringer was just absolutely fantastic

The latest book is the best he's ever written imo.

Finns det faktiska bevis på detta? För i så fall känns det ju helt sjukt.

I'm not going to say that I'm too old because gta 5 came out when I was 20 but I genuinely didn't understand then much less now why anyone even liked the online mode.

Maybe it's because my friends don't play those kinds of games? I tried it out solo I couple of times and promptly decided it was boring and never tried it again.

I bought euro truck simulator 2 this sale for 2 euro, dirt cheap to try it out and now I'm already buying dlc for it haha.

I did not think I would enjoy it as much as I did.

Euro truck simulator 2 just to try it out, turns out it's pretty chill!

So as a Spaniard, tú comes pan? Because if it's one thing duolingo has taught me it's that people from Spain absolutely love bread!

So as an outsider in all this, if Trump would win, he could just ban future elections as an official act? Like is that something that could possibly happen?

Are you serious? Do they run better on the ps5?

Holy shit haha.

The last one is not used at all, it's just a showcase word. It is real though, compound words in Swedish doesn't have a hyphen or a space in between and the possibilities are pretty much endless and they're all correct lol.

In English you would say "car mechanic apprentice" but in Swedish that would just be "carmechanicsapprentice" for example.

To be honest if everything seems boring I usually just read a book.

Oh you know Swedish words do you? Let me tell you about our compound words!

Like systemarkitektsutbildningsledare! Or produktutvecklingsassistent! Or nordvästersjökustartelleriflygspaningssimulatoranläggningsmaterielunderhållsuppföljningssystemdiskussionsinläggsförberedelsearbeten!

Either hollow knight or outer wilds depending on taste of course. Both are fantastic at what they do though.

Given that you already have two combat heavy games in your cart, why not go with outer wilds?

Det ligger nog ändå något i det haha

Jag antar det, jag menar ju såklart inte den officiellt officiella haha.

Utan att det var den "officiella" förkortningen jag lärde mig som barn.

Jag kan fixa till det!

Du får det att låta som om det är något jag kommit på själv men jag bara skrev att det var så folk skrev under min uppväxt och har aldrig sett någon annan stavning av förkortningen till varför fram tills idag, mest för att folk oftast inte förkortar varför.

Haha japp, Skåne, och det är mer eller mindre exakt så jag uttalar varför haha.

Yup, it's an idiotic ToS, the real ticker is that my friend actually messaged their support about and they literally told him that he should just pick the nearest supported country if the currency wasn't an issue.

He sent screenshots of the conversation too lol.

It's just such a dumb ToS...

Men herregud, jag är uppväxt med "vfr" helt enkelt, det kan ju helt enkelt bara vara så att det är olika stavningar beroende på vart man är uppväxt.

Jag har inte använt dessa förkortningar på över tio år haha.


Är du säker på det? Där jag växte upp är "vfr" den officiella förkortningen och har inte sett en enda människa använda "vrf".

Edit: jag menar ju såklart inte den "officiella" utan den lokalt officiella förkortningen jag lärde mig som barn, den som alla andra använde under min uppväxt.

I don't think I even have a blacklist, a good game is a good game no matter the publisher.

I have "blacklist" depending on the game though like I don't like microtransactions so I rarely play games with those, I don't like pvp so I rarely play games that is just about pvp, I don't like racing and I don't like sports.

Everything else is fair game to me tbh.

The funny thing is that it's because of the player outrage that they pulled the game from those countries, I'm not defending Sony here but every unsupported country has been able to make a PSN account since PSN was introduced.

If players would've just shut up and picked a supported country those games would still be on sale in all those countries.

So while it's dumb of Sony to not support those countries, the community fucked itself over because they couldn't even imagine making a PSN account.

I didn't mean it in a negative way, in my country a pour this size would've been done by 3 guys plus the pump driver, if the slab is going to be finished two more dudes would arrive a bit later to work the machines.

On particularly hot days we have one extra dude.