I don’t know. I make a point not to bring up MLMs with these ladies. It’s better not to give them the opportunity to pitch.

I have a high amount of mlm people in my life because I’m a very social person. I have established close friendships with most of these huns, but I’m great at setting boundaries and saying no, so they have learned not to try to sell to me anymore.

“Hey HUN! ✨” They’re called huns because they often start those uncomfortable messages to their friends and families this way. At least they used to, before we started calling them huns lol

“Why is it an ick to support your mlm friend but you don’t bat an eye spending all of your money at Costco?”Rant

Posted to my friend’s Instagram story yesterday.

Because, my dear friend, you aren’t the only mlm hun in my life. If I supported all the mlms friends/family in my life, I would have no money left for groceries and bills. A bunch of make up and oily magic water doesn’t fill my belly. None of that is even at Costco. If I want any of that nonsense, I know where to go, okay?

This friend is an Enagic hun. I have another friend who is a Mary Kay hun. Don’t get the facial! My other other friend has sneakily invited me to two Arbonne parties. My sister is a Doterra and Pampered Chef hun. I order from her sometimes when I actually want what she’s selling. My hair stylist is a Seint hun. Only two of these lovely ladies know each other. They don’t see how many other huns they are competing with for my “support.”

How many huns do you “not support” when you pay your bills or buy food? And how dare you?

So happy for you! I think over time you’ll find that you get quicker at it. When I first started, it forms take me 45 minutes but now only takes me about 15 minutes some years later.

If I feel aroused enough to even think, “I’m thinking about sex. Maybe I should masturbate.” That’s enough arousal to get started. I don’t always read or watch erotica. It just helps me get out of my own head sometimes.

I have found that other toys don’t work well for me because I am so sensitive and they don’t have enough of a low setting. I don’t have that problem with the womanizer, but everyone is different.

For a lot of women who use the womanizer, it takes them less than 5 minutes. For me, it can take anywhere from 10-30 minutes. And it’s less of a vibrate, and more of a fast pulse, if that makes sense? I certainly have never felt numb after.

I’ll try that, thanks! Any toy recommendations for the inside vibe?

How I became orgasmic!

I just commented on someone else’s post and thought maybe I should just post it. Maybe it’ll help at least one of you!

I didn’t orgasm until my mid-late 20s. When fingers or mouths were used, I either wouldn’t feel it enough or it felt like too much. Sex always felt/feels great but it never even got me close. Then I bought the womanizer… Game. Changer. I see a lot of people on here comment about it but not really how they use it.

I hated it at first. I didn’t know I could get so stimulated, it was overwhelming and way too much when I used it the first few times. But I played around with it until I figured out what worked best for me. Now I orgasm when I use this tried and true method!

  1. Get really mentally into it first. You have to start already aroused. Read or watch something sexy if that helps.

  2. Lowest setting until you feel like it’s not enough, then turn it up a tiny bit. Repeat.

  3. If you feel like you have hit a wall, turn it down low again, but not off, and keep it on low while you continue to read or watch something sexy. Repeat step 2, then 3 as needed. I’m pretty sure this is basically edging.

  4. If you start to feel like the sensation is a lot, but tolerable, push through it and see what happens. Sometimes I think that it’s starting to feel close to being too much, so I stay right there then come moments later.

Thrusting also really helps when I feel like I’m getting close. You can also experiment with tightening and loosening your body when you feel like you’re on that edge. My next goal is to orgasm with my partner.

Good luck everyone! Let me know how it goes.

The same thing used to happen to me and I didn’t orgasm until my mid-late 20s. When fingers were used, I either wouldn’t feel it enough or it felt like too much. Then I bought the womanizer. Game changer. I hated it at first. I didn’t know I could get so stimulated, it was overwhelming and way too much when I used it the first few times. But I played around with it until I figured out what worked best for me. Now I orgasm when I use this tried and true method!

  1. Get really mentally into it first. You have to start already aroused. Read or watch something sexy if that helps.
  2. Lowest setting until you feel like it’s not enough, then turn it up a tiny bit. Repeat.
  3. If you feel like you have hit a wall, turn it down low again, but not off, and keep it on low while you read or watch something sexy. Repeat step 2, then 3 as needed. I learned that this is basically edging.
  4. If you start to feel like the sensation is a lot, but tolerable, push through it and see what happens. Sometimes I think that it’s starting to feel close to being too much, so I stay right there then come moments later. Thrusting also really helps when I feel like I’m getting close.

Definitely look into a crisis nursery, and keep advocating for yourself with the mental health department. I know everything is so hard for you right now, but keep fighting for yourself and for your daughter. You can do this.

I’m so sorry you hate it! When I first tried the womanizer, I was so over sensitive with it. Even on its lowest setting, it was almost painful, and I didn’t know how anyone actually liked it. Anyway, I kinda kept at it and built up a tolerance to the sensation and now I LOVE it. Most women orgasm within minutes with it, but I take it slower and turn it up as I adjust to the sensation. It used to take me about 30-40 minutes, but now only 10-20 minutes.

Okay, here’s what you do next: while you’re gone, have your boyfriend hug and kiss your brother’s cheek and have your brother take him by the hand and lead him inside. They should do this a few times and maybe throw in an ass grab or playful spank. A few weeks later, all three of you need to put on a big love triangle fight out front. Your neighbor: 👁️👄👁️🍿

Don’t you know? If you’re friends and family aren’t buying from you, you get to guilt them for being “unsupportive” of your “small business.”

Doubtful, sorry. From what I understand, you HAVE to buy one of these machines to sell them. When my friend bought hers, she said that even if she didn’t sell any, she was investing in her health.

Funny how they don’t make car salesmen buy a car to sell them, but they actually do make sales and earn money hourly and from commission. And they don’t have to bother their friends and family to do it.

I’m glad you know the answer. I didn’t know but I have a feeling that it’s probably a lot of Stanley nickels.

Really great point that you are making here. The first few years of a relationship is when people put their best foot forward. This is his best effort, an effort that will likely decrease even more over time.

It’s so odd to me that the tone of the Hun’s message implies that this will replace whatever prescription medicine there is a shortage of. Like they all do the same thing? This “miracle” will not help someone with a seizure disorder or diabetes or depression.

Great response! Almost exactly what I would have said.