Stop MLM schemes from draining your friends dry.

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Multi-level marketing (MLM), also called pyramid selling, network marketing, and referral marketing, is a marketing strategy for the sale of products or services where the revenue of the MLM company is derived from a non-salaried workforce selling the company's products/services, while the earnings of the participants are derived from a pyramid-shaped or binary compensation commission system. ​


If you see a company and are not sure that it belongs on this list, please reach out. I have compiled this list from the sources listed at the bottom along with input from community members. This list may not be 100% accurate but the goal is to get it as close as possible.

2021 Mega Thread

Sources: , Special thanks to u/Copacetic1515 (I could not stick your thread)

Other Helpful Links: Discussion about World Financial Group

Pinnedby antiMLMmodDon't @ Me, I don't answer

We've had to remove it a billion times because faces aren't censored and it's posted too much. We've all seen it so, stop.

Pinnedby AutoModerator
“Why is it an ick to support your mlm friend but you don’t bat an eye spending all of your money at Costco?”Rant

Posted to my friend’s Instagram story yesterday.

Because, my dear friend, you aren’t the only mlm hun in my life. If I supported all the mlms friends/family in my life, I would have no money left for groceries and bills. A bunch of make up and oily magic water doesn’t fill my belly. None of that is even at Costco. If I want any of that nonsense, I know where to go, okay?

This friend is an Enagic hun. I have another friend who is a Mary Kay hun. Don’t get the facial! My other other friend has sneakily invited me to two Arbonne parties. My sister is a Doterra and Pampered Chef hun. I order from her sometimes when I actually want what she’s selling. My hair stylist is a Seint hun. Only two of these lovely ladies know each other. They don’t see how many other huns they are competing with for my “support.”

How many huns do you “not support” when you pay your bills or buy food? And how dare you?

How to I prepare for the onslaught of magic water con from a relative?Help/Advice

So I have to remain vaguely civil to this family member, but she is in deep for the stupid magic water (Enganic?) MLM.

Honestly, I don’t like this family member - she tried to make absolutely everything a competition, due to massive insecurities. I try to avoid her to avoid this crappy comparison competition. However, I need to be at least somewhat polite to keep the peace.

Apart from an “ewww David” type face, I don’t have any kind of rebuttal for her inevitable sales pitch.

Any killer responses I could borrow? Thank you so much xo

Help: MLM in my town :(Help/Advice

Hello all,

I have just received the terrible news via Facebook that my most hated MLM (Southwestern Advantage) has infiltrated the very small town in which I live. I’ve made a FB post on our community group warning people not to let them in: their sales strategy is to force their way into people’s homes and refuse to leave until they agree to purchase their “product.”

The local sheriff’s department has posted a photo with the “salespeople” with a certificate indicating that they are licensed to sell door-to-door. Is there anything else I can do? I obviously have a personal vendetta against this “company” but I would very much like to protect my community from these grifters.

I think my cousin fell for World System BuilderStory

My cousin has made stupid financial decisions that led her to complain and be desperate about making money. She is financially illiterate. Now all of a sudden, she’s claiming to be a “financial literacy mentor” and she’s excited to attend their Vegas event this year. Mind you, she has no extra money to do this!

An example of her bad finance: Receiving a hefty $20k tax refund for popping out 4 kids and spending it on unnecessary vacations. Later on, asking for money for her kids’ dental procedures because she is broke. She also has borrowed money from me a couple of times for measly amounts of money $25-$200.


I confronted her about it after seeing her posts online. I told her how sad I was she fell for this and she replied that she’s been in the company since 2018. I am calling BS because she posted a picture of the day she got recruited which was a week ago!

Anyway, I warned her and she stopped talking to me. (Normally she only contacts me when she needs to borrow money).

Please if you get into World System Builder, you’ll make more making burgers and you won’t be pressured to pay into their programs and their conventions.

Even back in 1935...Mary Kay

From Modern Mechanix, 1935

  • "Big, reliable, million-dollar company"
  • "No previous experience necessary"
  • "Must be willing to put in a fair day's work for a good day's earnings"
  • "I will even give you a new Ford Tudor Sedan as a bonus if you show me you are a producer"
  • "Act at once"

While there's no mention of tiers or uplines/downlines, the similarity of approach with MLM's is obvious.

Decode the seint debacle Help/Advice

Can someone explain these changes to me like I’m 5?

I’ve never been in an MLM directly but I’ve been affected by them and their sister industry (life coaching.)

But now my feed is flooded with women recording themselves crying and ‘devastated’ by these changes.

But like, 45% commission is a pretty decent rate for selling a product… so there is still money to be made?

I get that they won’t make commission off their recruits.

Were they really making that much money?

How much is at stake for them? What are the losses?

Help me understand this ‘tragic’ compensation model change.

FM WorldDiscussion

A FB friend has been talking about getting expensive name brand perfume cheaper. She didn't say where, originally. Just that it was through a distributer, I think. Today, she posted about it again saying people are wanting more info on where she's going to be getting it, and has disclosed it's a company called "FM World." I tried Googling it but haven't found TOO much. I did find one site that finally seemed to say they work on a multi-level marketing system, but I've never heard of it before.

I assume it actually is an MLM? Frankly, I don't want to message her and open the rabbit hole, lol.

Duped by OmniShieldHelp/Advice

Live in BC Canada.

This is kind of embarrassing, but we were caught at a moment of weakness this afternoon and scared into purchasing (financing $69/month at 13.99% over 15 years with Financeit) an OmniShield system for our house. I stalled for a while while signing for a long time but my wife convinced me to just do it had already taken up a couple hours.

I heard both good and bad, mostly bad now that I have time to dig a little deeper, but I don’t think this is affordable for us even though they are giving us the first 3 months payment free. Has anyone in BC or Canada had to deal with cancelling something like this if it’s been less than 24 hours? We signed a contract and stuff though unfortunately but I heard you usually have several days to reconsider. I can look through the paperwork in the morning but I am wondering if anyone has had luck getting out of these situations. Thanks so much.

Why are most pastors and church goers apart of primerica ??Discussion

I don’t understand why I joined a new church and most of them are doing primerica. I thought that if you’re a pastor you would put morals over everything and see that primerica is taking advantage of people. I thought that if you go to church you wouldn’t do something like a scummy MLM? Or be money motivated? No one is perfect and I am no one to judge but it threw me off because I just got out of an MLM. I literally had someone who I used to work with at the previous MLM try and recruit me. What are your guys thoughts ?