It's gotta have the sauces on it too if I'm going to take it seriously

I can vouch for this. I work with the local power utility as a consultant engineer and I've done projects to help them ready poles for ISPs to bring in fiber to rural areas. There's a big internal push that is backed by government funding.

The heart in Texas is over Austin, a very democratic city in Texas. I hear it two ways, it's either the heart of Texas or the asshole, depending on who you ask. I am from Dallas but I was born in Austin.

When you say it in a way that has no way to actually tell the difference in the post itself, some will see it for the absurdity it may be but others see it as a dog whistle. When you grow up a bit you'll realize that people do this intentionally, and you get to decide if you want to be a part of the problem yourself or not.

Can you show me on the doll where the rainbow flag and 2022 values touched you?

Live on Dingus!! Thank you for taking care of this awesome character!

"Alas, you see those delicious grapes, just out of reach?" said the Fox. "I tried to get them, but now that I have realized that I can not, I think they probably are not grapes of good quality anyway. I must be lucky to have avoided them. "

I've lost over 40 pounds since I started WFH. I went from stage 2 hypertension to 117/72. I have time to see my therapist on a weekly basis and have been smiling much more regularly than I ever remember. I have time to give tons of affection to my two dogs and two cats. I get to hang out with my wife, who is also my best friend, way more than I ever did when commuting. I have a healthy sleep schedule now. I can keep going with this list. WFH is one of the best things to ever happen to me, and this guy is full of shit.

That would imply sex in general is real, and we all know that's just a government conspiracy to get Gatorade consumption up.

They can carry load. It's when they are loaded for shear forces rather than longitudinal. It's way easier to shear a screw in half than pull it apart long ways. People need to consider how their hardware is designed to work.

Edit: Essentially you're right, just pointing out the difference in loading direction.

I'm an engineer that graduated 2019 and I moved here four years ago for work. I came from Texas. As much as I miss Dallas, life is better here for sure now.

I feel bad for whoever hires him as a consultant.

Hiding under a table while my parents yelled and threw stuff at each other. My only memory of them before the divorce.

I'm a white male. My wife is Mexican. We were considering adopting. Many of my friends were adopted and were different races with different parents. I never thought twice about the skin color of an adoption, but apparently if I adopt a non white kid and raise him like I would any other kid I'm gonna be coming off as color blind?

I've never considered this before but what I'm seeing here is that people think he/she won't be true to their living experience if not raised by a parent who is concerned by color.

When it comes to working through issues with our kids why can't we treat issues that come from race like any other issue that needs to be overcome when learning how to navigate our complex world?

I'm not arguing. I'm trying to understand what has everyone so upset here. Can someone explain it to me?

Right or left, you should be able to have a discussion about the many causes of a complex topic rather than reducing it to false equivalency arguments in the form of a lazy graphic.

My wife and I bought our first house here a little over a year ago. People asked us why we moved here like it was a bad idea but I'm not sure why. I've had one issue with a guy going through my trash for bottles but I still have yet to have to file any noise complaints or anything you would expect from being around a bunch of college kids. The house to the west is a single family home and the house to the east is a family with several young children. I think the neighborhood is really pretty and enjoy sitting on my porch all seasons to enjoy things.

Farther north can get sketchy since we're so close to downtown, but there are several areas with really nice houses here in the vine district as well. I love taking walks around and looking at the houses on long street for example.

I would recommend it, from my perspective. I've seen nothing here in the past year or so that made me regret moving here.

I'm lucky. I'm salaried and project based so I don't always have to work a full 40. I'm trained for storm work when major storms hit and that can add 16 hour shifts onto my normal work week. To compensate, every hour over 40 I'm making a wage equivalent to my hourly rate of I was not salaried. So I get the 40 hours no matter what but still get paid for any hours over that.

I will say that I have wired outdoor cameras, google doorbells with facial recognition, indoor motion sensors and glass break sensors, full monitored alarm system through ADT, two large loud barking dogs (German Shepard and Pitty families). Also, not openly displayed but quickly accessible, are several good home defense firearms throughout the house. I feel pretty secure most of the time. 

Well damn. I better watch out. I can see that happening, but I'm guessing it hasn't been an issue for me yet bc I came from a large metro already and have been mugged before so I keep my head on a swivel and use common sense. Some of the people I talked to here that got robbed were doing something like sitting in their car at night with the door open or something while not paying attention. 

I don't know if you would count my neighborhood as the hood or not. I'm from Dallas Texas but I bought a house in the vine district (my first and only house). 

It's a few blocks south of vine st. People tell me this is the 'student ghetto' but I've been here over a year and have had to ask zero times for people to turn down loud music or anything you would think would happen in a college student heavy area. The house to the west is a young single home couple like me and my wife, and to the east is a family with a few young kids. They laugh and play outside but nothing they've done has been anything near something to complain about. 

I like this area a lot. I know a little farther north is not ideal, but just five minute walk to the south and there are some really big houses, maybe even call them small estates. 

Anyways, I bought instead of renting, but my mortgage is 1480 a month for a five bedroom two bath house with a 900 squft basement. No garage, but I'm willing to bet you can find reasonable renting options in the area. 

Honestly though, prices are going up. I feel like everywhere is getting more expensive to live in. 

I have eaten there twice. I own a house in the vine district and my wife and I walked to the coffee shop many times to have a cup of coffee. I'm not just going solely off of anonymous reviews. I just moved here 4 years ago from Texas and I've been trying to learn more about a lot of the places around here by visiting.

By they, I was just lumping whoever posted the two articles together into a vague group. Not trying to imply anything else by that. To this sub specifically, yes.

I don't know how quickly the inspection reports get updated. You may be right. My wife is attending culinary school here in kzoo and they have a way to look that up. She showed me that they found no record of inspection for 2024. I guess we'll have to wait to see if it does get updated.

I can see what you're getting at, but I seriously doubt this was just to hand off some literature. It may not be as bad as of a pest problem as some people make it seem, but I've been in there enough times to know it was not a spotless establishment.

Honestly, I care about the integrity of the owners. I want my money to support local businesses that I can ethically get behind. I worked in food service for over 10 years before I got my degree and I know how one sided it can be for many people who work in it too. I know how gross things can get behind the scenes as well.

I'm honestly just trying to wade between the good and bad I hear to try to figure out what's actually going on. This whole situation just doesn't look good from where I'm standing.

You could be mad about it from the other perspective and just trying to push good media coverage because you have a personal stake in the restaurant or the area. Who knows?

To me, these questions arise: Why do they need to post it twice in one day? Why aren't there any records for the most recent inspection? Why do health officials need to counsel the owner if they've already been running a clean ship this whole time?

I am willing to hear responses and consider that I may be wrong. I just live next to the restaurant and hear very little good about it at all.