Oh ok… my wife’s OBGYN did not recommend I get one . I asked if I needed it. Don’t know why then

Family members do not need the vaccine. Just get the vaccine and get the baby her own after 40 days

Salaried work is a sure way to stay broke. Been an entrepreneur Is very hard but if your idea pans out u will be comfortable and set for life. If ur product solves practical everyday problems then with little effort ur next 3 generations are set

It’s gradual accumulation of money to fulfill the outcome. My mum owns her own house now because she saved for years. Same for my dad and many others I know. U get the land and then use 5 years minimum to put up a structure and then rent it out. Use the money to continue the project and renovate. Dream big and don’t ever think the dream house is too big for your current situation. Ghana is all about saving and selling on credit.

Nope but the whole conversation is situated in Ghana. So in this instance area code does matter

If a minority and a very big minority at that is enough to destroy the trad family system then that system has no business existing in the first place. It’s like saying left handed individuals will destroy the morality of the society because they do not conform to societal expectations of right handedness or weed smokers will make everyone immoral. And how come u do not think women working and becoming empowered will destroy trad family systems because it is actually verified and a fact that women working and been paid for work done is one of the reasons women don’t tolerate the bs from most men and desire singlehood rather than staying in abusive marriages in traditional family systems.

TLDR: Don’t buy into the myth that LGBT will destroy trad family systems. They aren’t a threat as is made out to be

Except for marriage these exclusivity terms aren’t legally mandated by any of them. But it is expected

Ghanaian :ghana:

Except I am a public health person in the healthcare system and we have the numbers. Numbers might be higher but it is highly exaggerated. 2. I was in an all boys college. 3. I was tagged as gay back in SHS because I was very open minded about the concept of sex( I still am) . And i had gay friends. In fact I was always in the company of my gay friends. I might have a big idea what I’m saying.

As at now I’m still invited to LGB themed hangouts and attend soirées. I know what I’m saying. Many people do explore sexually in ShS but it’s not as prevalent as is communicated outside

I’m quite effeminate and it’s why many people tag me as gay.

Sometimes I even think I’m gay😂 but that’s a whole different topic.

Edit: For some context 1% of Ghanas population is more than 350000 individuals so yes the number is quite there might even be in the millions but it is still very minute in the grand scheme of things

Fair but he should have just blocked the boy and ignored him. It doesn’t bode well to confront a minor as an adult. Also considering it was when the scandal was still on

Dr Yeboah can only protect wards in his care. And u would not allow a sex offender (even if he’s not been classified officially) to go near minors. It’s the right call tbf. And yes as at now it is a crime to engage in “sodomy”.

What’s a man like Hayford doing chatting with a JHS boy. Considering the controversy he finds himself in

Just live her and enjoy your peace. She’s probably not into u

Closeted LGBt is very high. There’s a lot of closeted 🏳️‍🌈 IN AFRICA

Not just husbands but wives also cheating and pinning someone’s child on their husband.

U can still have a trad family unit even if people turned gay. And LGBT isn’t the reason marriages in the modern age aren’t lasting neither is it the reason why people don’t want to actually get married.