Oh God and they got pronouns listed lol.

Damn I'm watching a Spanish stream since the other was lagging so bad and was wondering why they was showing Ige so much.

No interest. No faith in our government no matter who's elected.

I was giving this some thought as well and figured it was something with the contract. He's got the fight date set and figures he's got them over a barrel. So he's trying to change contract terms, money or something. I thought at 1st maybe an injury and they were waiting for tests results or something but we would have heard something by now.

If it is that and he's decided to try and strong arm them after the fight date has been set I expect Dana to go nuclear on him.

Edit - after I posted the thought about what if it's a failed drug test hit me. Could be a thing right?

Man that sucks! Quarantine and get plenty of rest.


He's the most important thing in their life and that's just sad.

Literally was just thinking the same thing. At some point they're gonna run him out of the UFC. I could see it with a loss here and I'd hate to see him go out like that. So I'll be rooting for him.

Born in '74 and I've never seen The Wizard of Oz.

A few things. Appearance and gear does matter, so does skills equipped. They're probably hiring your warrior for a tank so you'll want provocation to draw aggro. You'll also want to stay away from the springboard or launch skill whatever it's called. Warrior like all the other classes have desired skills I can't remember the names maybe somebody will chime in and list a few.

Also the logistician... "Trait" I think it's called is also something a lot of people stay away from. It's an automatic pass for me

Red pill easy decision

Yea mine is just black and you can't see anything beyond the lantern's light radius. I like it that way tho

NG+ with difficulty mods I run Warfarer as magic archer, warrior, mage and alternate other spot with either thief or archer.