Commenting on a photo/headline at face value as if it was 100% real. The moment someone calls them out for getting click baited is the moment they deny any wrong doing.

Under the new legislation, which was passed as part of a broader set of labor laws last year, employees of private businesses that provide round-the-clock services will reportedly have the option of working an additional two hours per day or an extra eight-hour shift.

When I exit I tend to look out for people like this now. I've seen way too many idiots realize last minute they are about to miss their exit and forget there are other cars on the road.

Go slow and make sure you don't see dumbass try flying in at the last possible second.

The average Reddit leftist doesn't have a job and lives online all day. They have no influence or voice outside this platform. If one of them tries to do something in society they usually end up throwing tomato soup at a painting. The likelihood any of them can actually do something that crazy and not get caught is extremely low.

YTA but its really not a big deal. The bigger problem is you both having a kid at 23 and thinking you're gonna take a gap off of work then comeback. You know child support is gonna eat most of what you make, right? So the whole stay at home mom thing isn't a bad idea given the money you'd be spending for someone else to stay home with the kid.

:notredame: Notre Dame Fighting Irish

Safe to say the boys are watching but not listening to Sabrina Carpenter.

The average liberal voter in the US would vote right in France. Most of western Europe's political parties are very liberal compared to the US. Especially in France.

Reddit alone tells you why people are willing to vote far-right. The extremism and misinformation is coming from the far-left and people are voting against it... It should be a wake up call to progressives that your own actions have lost the support of the average person.

The OP's username only gets dusted off during election years.

People understand Russia didn't just wake up 1 day and go its time to invade Ukraine... right? Russia had been complaining for many years about western installed Democratic governments coming closer and closer to their borders.

Not saying what they did was right, but Russia told everyone they would invade if things continued. I have no idea why this is news. Putin told every political leader he was considering doing this privately and publicly.

Funny and involves a hot chick talking about sexual things.

I actually think Pedro got tossed before that so its ironically not his call this time.

Not smoking, drinking in moderation, and some type of exercise 5 days a week goes along way. And obviously avoiding shit that damages your skin like tanning or various skin products.

Because the only people bitching are the permanently online progressives who don't leave mom and dad's house.

Same shit happened when the district mandated gender theory. Another week of lesson plans thrown out and now we need to tell kids more information that won't help them in life.

I'm more shocked we voted Joe in 2020. They tanked the country while Joe ate ice cream.