"I wanted to decorate my yard with a small billboard of Megamind. Freedom, baby!"


Slug first chase. Hook second. There's three survivors off gens for precious seconds early game, then try and maintain 1 on hook, 1 slugged, 1 in chase. Ample opportunities for snowballs. So much so I'm known to put my nose in a corner for them to reset and do it again. Need more than "tunnel one person"

You can certainly do it without straight camping and tunneling, and please do

More toxic than non? I don't know, seems most people don't even say anything end game and just roll next. Probably people that can't commit 8hrs to DBD and just got off work trying to squeeze in some games, numerically speaking. But the forums sure are loud! The average player probably isn't scrolling through these, but the passionate ones do

Not giving the killer more kills and releasing the pressure on survivors to go and rescue. I do it, too, but not because of "you randoms," I do it for the team, be my teammates random or otherwise

"you randoms" I definitely understand the action, but wow that reason behind it! Shall we say, "self-assuring"?

I'll let go in SWF, too! This killer knows Ed, g'on git! Don't give Ed more kills, I sed GIT! LIVE FOR ME

"you randoms"

Oh ok, we got Enrique Enswollass over here

Comedians would go nuts with "Who's On First" jokes about the Whitehouse White House

Hey Frenchie, thanks be to your country for the arms, personnel, and navy that helped America fight in a proxy war between y'all and Britain, eventually gaining self-governance, but THIS MURICA NOW WE SPEEK INGLISH

Sometimes, I'll completely throw for a good chase. Most of the time I'll peel away from the strong runners and tiles, but every so often I'm compelled to see if they can make an epic 4/5-gen run

Sometimes they do, and it's amazing! Or a showcase of how RNG can break maps for either side

That is prime silliness. Top notch tomfoolery. Shenanigans abound!

Wait, are you saying WWI was a messy hodgepodge of human affairs, emotion, and upending whole governmental systems? It wasn't because of one being? That's silly, knock it off, why would you say such things?

So it lived up to its named? Its quality went through a Downsizing?

They're mad they lost because everyone but theirself is a sweatlord. You're fine

Coulrophobia without Unnerving? Bless you, Evan. That Distressing is so cheeky lol

Just had a thought of Dark Devotion with Coulrophobia, how much value that may or may not get. Furtive or Nemesis to keep the Obsession rotating and spread the love and confusion

I'm gonna that combo out, thanks for the inspiration