Thanks, hadn't thought about fishing gear before but it makes sense. And if it can work in Australia I'd assume it can work anywhere!

Thanks, yeah I'm looking to get at least one long sleeve since some trails also have ticks and that extra coverage is helpful for that. I'm not a redhead but of Northern European descent, which isn't known for its sunproofedness.

Haven't worn anything by TYR before, I'll take a look. I hate missing a small spot with sunscreen, it's the worst!

For women who sunburn easily, what hiking shirts do you wear?Question

Do any of you have a good hiking shirt recommendation for women that also has good SPF protection? I recently got one from REI that purportedly had material that was SPF 30, but after a day of hiking I had burned through the shirt (side note: tan lines are odd when the sunscreen on your arms works but the shirt fails you). Long sleeve or short sleeve is fine, I just want something that's reliable and not too warm since this is of course more of a problem on hot-weather hikes.

Favorite gifts for long distance friends

Hello! I'm not sure if this subreddit is only for romantic relationships, but either way I thought it might be helpful to ask here for guidance. I'm just looking for a gift for a long distance best friend (F34). I've sent books and various tchotchkes before, but just looking for other ideas in case anyone's sent (or received) anything really creative/unique that they'd be able to share. My friend's pretty much into everything and that breadth can make things easy sometimes but it also makes it hard to just focus on one type of thing to get. But whether it's outdoors (camping, hiking, sports) or indoors (games, cooking) or going out, she's usually up for whatever. Not sure if geography matters, but in Chicago.

Generally looking for something in the $50-$100 range but a basket of lower priced items works well, too. Thanks so much!

Thanks! Not in Canada but still useful to know. And it's helpful to know that Kiwi Camp works on everything, I know that the material matters but having a general use spray is definitely preferable.

Best tent waterproofing spray?

Does anybody have a favorite tent waterproofing spray (or other way) to keep their tents waterproof? Even with a tarp there'll be a lot of moisture build-up. I've got a couple trips coming up where it gets pretty cool at night, so want to try to be more prepared this year. Thanks!

Oh no! Yeah, having things digitally saved is nice for peace of mind

I hadn't tried that, just made pinned and saved maps. I'll try that out, though not sure if notes are enough for all the info I like to put in.

Thanks! Yeah, I do create my custom maps. I'm just looking to streamline and seeing what others do, especially if there's anything that's not at the top of google searches.

That's probably a good way to avoid the information overload. I do think I go more in depth than necessary and if I actually forced myself to write things down, it'd probably be faster.

I've looked into Tripit a bit I think, if that's the one that kind of takes things directly from your email. it seems useful, but yeah, looking for just "a better spreadsheet" if possible since I do my planning there.

Do you use any travel planning apps or plug-ins?Question

I use google docs/spreadsheets for trip planning and curious to see if anybody has a better way. Google docs/spreadsheets are good, but they don't have all the functionality I'd like (e..g, showing things on maps) and I find that it ends up being lots of pages and links to websites and it just becomes unwieldy. Thanks for any advice in advance!

Thanks! I think sometimes the simple gestures and regular things are best, but it's hard not to feel like things need to be extra special.

Gift for friend moving away

I have a friend (33f) who's moving away. Any ideas for what kind of gift to get her? I don't want it to be bulky since that'd be a pain to move with, but not really creative with scrapbooks/photos (also, we just don't have tons of photos together). Any ideas? We plan to still visit each other, but I know how it goes and it can be difficult when cross country. Thanks!

Is it worth visiting Muir Woods?Events, Activities & Sports

I've considering Portola or Henry Cowell as well, but Muir Woods is easy to get to and seems to be the most popular. Not sure if it's too crowded (I'd be going next month, so before summer). I see a lot of mixed opinions when I search, some saying it's overrated but others saying it's worth it/they love it.

EDIT: Thanks everyone for the comments and insight! I think the answer is that it's worth going to Muir Woods and the other redwood forests around the bay area, lots of redwoods near San Francisco. The tips about which trails, free parking, reservations, etc are all appreciated!

Haven't seen Mortified before, looks funny though. I also like the idea of volunteering together, one-time opportunities are perfect. Thanks!

Haven't been there but it looks fun to check out, thanks!

Haven't been to lost cat bar. Been to a cat cafe before, though. Is there actually a cat at lost cat?

Great rec! I love magic shows, and that one was really good. I also saw the one by Kevin Blake recently and he's fantastic, too.

Thanks! I haven't done the cable cars at night before--just during the day--hadn't really thought of that. I might wait until it's a bit warmer for the nighttime cable car ride though...

We like activities and games a lot. Always down to check out a bar or something, but if there's an experience that's interactive we like that most. I don't know if what I'm asking for is even necessarily a "date" idea, just something fun to do in the city that can be done by two people during an evening. Our more typical fun things to do are more board games, karaoke, basketball, reading, some of which translates well to dates and others not so much.