She's part Chinese Filipino and part Jewish gorgeous 😍

When Genx/Boomers say they hate the new slang that Gen Z is using, I remind them of hanky panky and other past terms....

What ain't no country I've ever heard of? Say "what" again, I dare you!

Hobbit is 1/4 the length of LOTR so creating 3 bad films from it was just a cash grab. 💸

Great Canadian actor Adam Beach just wasted in this film. Such a huge disappointment overall

A certain....special.....something....... 🎵

But once you start "spending" on vulnerable and poor people it goes against the Conservative ideology of "not my problem" and "it must be their own fault" even if it ends up costing more. It also maintains the fear of being homeless and poverty that the ideology pushes unto the population that there is no real support net if you don't work whatever lousy job you are doing. The truth you shared is denied by them.

It will be a good rooftop glider landing spot for Snake Plissken to infiltrate in when Toronto becomes the one maximum security prison for the country. /S

PS- How do you deal with any asset that has lost half its market value? Some combination of debt written-off and restructuring/ financing?

They did that in Ontario in 2018 and 2022 and Doug Ford won (re) election. There is not enough critical mass in ON and in my opinion in Canada for a federal NDP win, so at best Singh and crew are ensuring we get Pierre P in 2025 and whatever damage he does in the next election after that, the NDP still won't win. Canadians on average are far too "Centrist" at present.

We need a Center-Left party that represents the 65% of Canadians who are non-Conservatives but that would terrify the 0.1% wealthiest ppl who would be taxed and their 35% Conservative anti-poor, anti-woke voters.

Stanton: Escape from New York, Repo Man

Walsh: Blade Runner, Blood Simple

The power of Rice compels you!! The power of Rice compels you!!

Darwin Award runner up this month. I'm sure we'll see him again in the near future! /S


Yup. Just in Ireland. Higher wages, (edit) far less tipping.

She was in 2 episodes of the Walking Dead, season 10. Almost unrecognizable from her earlier roles. She quipped about 7 or 8 years ago that she could be like her former co-star Scarlett Johansson if she wanted to be but that boat has now definitely sailed. Not a talented or experienced enough actor as an adult....