I didn’t feel emotionally mature enough, I knew deep down I’d probably crumble if I encountered real issues, I was very bad with money and didn’t believe I’d manage money well enough at a young age abroad. I was also fortunate enough that my parents brought me on lovely holidays across the world so I didn’t have a deep seated need to leave the country.

No roasting here but you’ll be dead within 5-10 years if you continue your lifestyle. Your skeleton is under and incredible amount of stress every day

Just because your back is ready for another set doesn’t mean your forearms are, which is why a set amount of rest time between each set is a myth for optimal gains. Also what’s happening is you’ve been training back quite a lot while forgetting to train your forearms because you thought they didn’t matter. Your back development is out pacing you’re forearm development in terms of the goal your trying to achieve. Kai greene once explained his back wasn’t as good from year on year in the Olympia because he didn’t train forearm as much which impacted his back development.

TLDR; our muscular system is symbiotic, don’t neglect any muscle group.

This is the type of guy who still comments I’m a true believer under every tweet 😂😂

He was considered the most entertaining streamer for a long time, put the most effort into the production of it all, really took a different angle to the streaming space before others did. Still very few can pull off an actual character for as long as he has. Shame he just turned out to be a creep. It’s hard to swallow like he genuinely seemed to be a decent guy, pretty sure he has a young daughter under the age of 10, ya gotta feel for his family right now.

I don’t think it’s safe to play Warzone on PC because it’s fucking trash

I’d say getting off this subreddit would be a good starting point for not wanting to see spoilers, just a thought

No you put words in his mouth, no where does he claim it’s a good boss, you sound like a salty hateful bitch. If you don’t understand how your comment makes you sound like a little negative pussy then I don’t know what to tell ya. No self awareness

You’re 21 man. You’ve a fast metabolism. You are not a rare body type I hate to tell ya.

If you’ve always been skinny then it’s more than likely a case of you think what your eating is a lot, but it isn’t. Eating enough to actually change your body from a small frame is quite substantial, I had to eat 4500 cals a day as a 6’2 guy only weighing 76 kilos. You’re gonna get destroyed on this post for your lack of self awareness tbh

Watch Eric Khans videos man they’re informative while entertaining, the percentage doesn’t equate to good weed. Getting super stoned doesn’t mean it’s a good stone. There’s a difference. Go with reviews of the product not just a big number. Also wtf do you expect people to say? Oh jeez guys is 96/100 a good percentage? Obviously? You’re asking the wrong questions

Up until the wipe at Christmas 2023, you’re definitely right. But this wipe when they added the green smoke it’s actually up a lot of the time. Pretty safe extract too

How dare they give us more than what we expected!

You weren’t promised shit. You sound like a whiny bitch holy shit 😂😂😂

Yuck everyone’s yum is a new one. I know, you’re right, but you PvE enjoyers are awfully sensitive about the whole thing for some reason. I promise you lad, I did not strike first. Majority of the PvE enjoyers are horrifically toxic toward people who are good at PvP, chads are the devil to you lot which makes NO sense

Of course not in that context. I’ve been downvoted on PvE posts for asking what the problem is with chads, people who want to be good? It’s truly a wonder

You’ve got SVDS under the name you’re definitely a PvE enjoyer. Won’t even spend the fake money on an SR-25 in the PvE server. The type of guy to have 4 cases full of M62 and only use M80

If you were so secure in the main game why did you seek other opportunities? Because you didn’t feel good enough, so you sought a lesser challenge. That my friend, stems from insecurity. GG

To you it will. To me and to others, that level of immersion, the adrenaline filled moments, is a fraction of what it would be on PvP. RMTers are the skid mark of this community

You’re right man, absolutely. You’re the type of guy I have no issue with. But I promise you, I have been nice and polite on some of these posts, asked what’s the issue with chads, what’s the issue with wanting to be better at PvP, and I got downvoted to bits. I have lived long enough to become the villain it seems. Man I’m having a bit of fun too, I’m trash at some games

I promise you one thing - I never would’ve opened my mouth if I didn’t see PvE enjoyers talking smack first.

I’m a content adult more than happy with life, I just feel a need to talk shit to these insecure shit talkers trying to say PvE is better and people who want to be good at the game make it a bad community. No its you easy mode enjoyers

You act like your leaving PvP behind, when in fact it’s left you behind, and that’s why your playing PvE, it’s the only experience you can get through. Let me guess every death was a cheater…